Chapter 67

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The next morning*

"So, you're leaving" I awkwardly say, doing my best to end the dead silence around us. It could be sliced with a knife it was that thick and tense.

He sighs heavily. "Seva, if I had a choice you know that I wouldn't choose this. I won't ask you to come with me, I won't be selfish. But I ask that you allow me to visit" are the words he says to me.

Right now I felt was emptiness and pain, maybe even betrayal. But I knew this would happen. He has 2 Kingdoms to rule now.

I sigh softly, and take his hand in mine.

"We both know that isn't possible. I swore an oath to my men that I would keep them safe, from the first to the end. This past year has been nothing but chaos, i've lost so many people that I love. I can't lose them too" I explain to him with a gentle voice. The last thing I want is to hurt his feelings.

He looks at me with pain in his eyes. He's spent enough time with me and my men to know that I'm loyal to them, not my heart. They come first, always.

He understands that. So he doesn't hurt my heart and ask me again. He accepts my answer.

"I'll find you one day, and when that day comes, I will never leave you again" he vows me to, his eyes telling that he really did mean it.

I gave him a small sad smile, and gently pull my hand away from his, standing from the bed.

"Tomorrow is never promised for my warriors. I don't have time for a promise that may never be fulfilled. My heart isn't cold, or broken, or even made of stone. I'm just tired of loving others, and simply being forgotten when something better comes along. I don't say this to upset you, but to help you understand why you mustn't ever find me. I'm also not good with goodbyes, so I'm going to go hunting. And when I return, I expect you and any Royal Soldiers to be gone, it's better this way" I tell him.

After finishing my speech I leant down as he sat on the bed with his head hung slightly in defeat. My eyes watered slightly, pain clenching my heart. But I blinked them away, and forged the ice back into place. Placing a gentle kiss on his head before vanishing like a whisper.

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