chapter 46

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~ Chapter 46 ~

"You fight good" he comments as he wipes the last of the blood off my back. I turn my head to him and smile slightly.

"Not as good as I did" I tell him, he furrows his brows and shakes his head.

"Your warriors fight ruthlessly, some more than others" he tells me and I know he's wondering why without actually asking.

"They each fight different, when war comes it gives us an advantage. Packs fall because of their repeated strategy" I reply wisely.

"And what's your strategy?" He asks curiously and I smirk a little.

"Only those I trust I tell" I reply and he looks up at me nodding slowly. He stands and turns to put the bloody cloths in the bin, I reach over and gently grab his arm. Pulling him back a little and he turns to face me quizingly.

"Waves" I tell him simply and flash a smile before carefully jumping off the hospital bed. It seems with every question I answer he only gets more and more curious about me, my answers giving him a new book of questions.

"I thought you only tell those you trust?" He asks his eyes flickering across my face with softness in them.

"Correct" I state and pull my top back on, his eyes leaving my face as if to give me privacy.

Strange. My men look away in respect, he looks away like he's intruding on me without my permission if he is looking.

"Tomorrow I head back to their land, Jayson needs a cure soon or he's going to die" I tell him and he nods.

He doesn't speak much as you've noticed. Maybe to me but hardly anything to others.

"And if they don't have one?" He asks.

"They suffer 14 deaths, one by one until their entire pack is burned to the ground and smashed to dust" I state harshly and he nods.

"Count me in" he tells me firmly.

"You sure your up for it?" I ask him.

"The question is, are you?" He asks pointedly and I stay silent for a few moments. Would I kill my own parents? My own twin? Could I take the lives of those I used to love?

The answer is yes. Because I used to love them. They've been dead to me and after the damage they've caused they still are.

"You underestimate me Lincoln. My pack comes before anything, money, reputation, friends, mates and family. So yes, if they have no cure I'll personally deliver their punishment myself to show them what it means to be a true alpha" I tell him with finality in my tone, my head raised high and my gaze unwavering.

"That's what I wanted to hear" he tells me sounding proud and I smile slightly, my anger disappears for now and I find myself staring into his golden brown eyes. That just so happen to be staring back at me.

Before we know it I find myself staring straight up into his eyes, our chests so close I could the heat radiating from him. I could feel the power inside him drawing me in further.

The heat in the room suddenly seems too hot, but I wanted him closer. I wanted him to hold me. I wanted him to kiss me.

With our lips centimetres apart I couldn't think properly, his scent dulling my senses.

I moved closer and softly brushed my lips against his lightly, I felt him respond. His warmth suddenly leaves me completely, the room cools down and his lips disappear. Opening my eyes I wonder when I'd closed them but pay no mind to it.

My wolf whimpers and I feel my heart tighten at his rejection.

How could I be so stupid? Why did I do that? Why did I think I could have something with him?

"I apologise" I whisper before quickly disappearing like lightning out of the the hospital room and leaving the building.

My warriors look at me with worry and curiosity as I rush past them towards my own house, looking like a crazy person with panic all over my face.

After what felt like hours I entered my own home with a sigh of relief and a slam of my door. Quickly leaving up the steps and into my bedroom I look around, peace at finally being at home settled within me but I also felt..lonely.

Like something was missing, something important. But what was it?

Deciding to figure it out later on I jump on my huge white silk bedding. I've missed my white house. Its my sanctuary.

Melting into the comforts of my home I start to think of Lincoln, he's given me no sign that he might like me.

He looks away when I'm not even half naked.

He doesn't touch me, even accidentally.

He doesn't really speak to me.

He hardly smiles at me or shows me that he wants anything with me other than a distant friendship and even that's a maybe.

What did I do?

What do I do?

How do I face him again after I kissed him? Even if it was only a light brush of our lips I still kissed him.

How could I be so stupid? So blind? So..weak?

A knock on my front door almost has my heart stopping, not in a good way. Jumping up from my comfortable position I leave my tiled floor room and through my tiled house, down the steps and to the white oak front door.

Opening the door I feel relief when I see who it is but I couldn't help the twinge of hope that it was Lincoln instead.

"We need to talk seva" he tells me surprising me when he uses my name and not alpha.

"Of course, come in" I tell him and turn away, heading towards the front room as he shuts the door behind him and follows me in.

Taking a seat I tuck my legs up next to me and look at him casually. He sits down beside me and breaths deeply with nerves.

"What's up?" I ask worriedly, like a concerned best friend should no matter how long we haven't acted like it.

He looks at me. "I'm done treating you like your my alpha" he tells me and my wolf whimpers, is he leaving my pack? Is he leaving me?

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