chapter 34

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~ Chapter 34 ~

"You think your worthy of being a warrior?" Anghus says with disgust, she wipes blood from her nose but shows no pain even though I know it hurts. Emotionally and physically.

She doesn't reply and stands quickly, he swings at her but she's small and faster than him so she ducks quickly, sidestepping him punching him in his lungs in one harsh blow before taking his legs from under him. He recovers quickly, jumping up and grabbing her wrist twisting her arm up her back painfully.

Before he can break her bone she uses her left leg and wraps it around the back of his left knee, she pulls with all her might and his knee buckles slightly. As his height drops with her leg keeping him there before he can react she slams the back of her skull into his nose. His hold loosens but that's all she needs.

He keeps hold of her wrist but she spins from his hold, switching the action so she's holding him and sends a swift kick to his head.

He lands on his side and moves to stand but she pins him quickly, snarling in his face as she cuts off his air supply. With him having no way out without killing her he remains still.

If that was me I would have killed her instantly but seeing as she's now family he doesn't submit, instead he allows her to suffocate him until he's unconscious.

Just like I thought.

The pack remains silent and glaring with hatred at her, it makes her nervous but she knows the routine.

The pain she's already feeling from different bruises and cuts only adds to her slowly breaking.

I know cadell will hate doing what he has to but he knows this is the ways of a warrior.

"Beta. Take your stand" I order coldly while simply looking at Amelia with a sickening smirk.

Cadell walks into the ring while looking at Amelia with so much disgust and raw hate tears entered her eyes. She's spend the last three months constantly training, they haven't mated and he hasn't shown any signs of frustration instead he encourages her training.

She loves him and he does her, their bond is so strong it seems like they've already mated but I would know if they did and they haven't.

No matter how much she prepared herself there's no way she could have prepared herself for this.

"He's right. Your not good enough to be a warrior. Especially to the bear claw pack." He tells her calmly, all the while circling her.

She remains frozen to the spot as tears slowly drop down her face. Her body wouldn't allow her to speak, her heart holding far to much pain.

It won't take long to break her, but if I know cadell then he's going to use her worst enemy against her.

"Look around you princess" he sneers.

"Its clear who fits in. And who doesn't." He states his lips curling in disgust. She flinches and let's out a small whimper.

"Your a slave Amelia. Your body is used and abused, nobody will want that" he taunts and I grit my teeth as her heart starts to break. Her soul bearing so much pain it was almost completely ruined.

Just a little more cadell.

"Maybe one come to think of it. The king likes things broken some say. You've had him enough times to know, is it true?" Cadell smirks darkly although I can feel his rage building, his sadness at hurting her tripling but his pride for her high.

She bites her lip to stop the sob escaping, she clutches her chest and I knew instantly her soul was broken.

"Cadell" I cut in harshly, he looks at me and I nod for him to back away. Making my way over to Amelia I see her cower.

Her soul was broken far too easy and far too quick, but with me she'll heal.

"Amelia. How do you feel?" I ask her coldly and she flinches, hanging her head in submission.

"Great alpha" she whispers stubbornly and I smile slightly shaking my head.

"Look at me Amelia" I tell her and slowly she looks up at me.

"I, Seva Vixon, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Amelia Cornel, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the pack, even at the cost of your life?" I ask in my alpha voice that rings clear and sizzles with power.

She nods "I do"

"Then by the powers of bear claw, I give you your warrior name. Amelia Cornel, from this moment on, you will be known as Ailidh. Claw pack honors your strength and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of the claw pack." Placing my head on her shoulder and the newly made warriors licks my shoulder respectfully. The bond completes and I feel a new tie form, Ailidh bound to me just like the rest of my warriors.

"Ailidh..Ailidh.." My warriors chant together, finishing off the warrior ritual.

Her spine straightens as I move away, her soul peicing back together, her eyes darkening with a new determination and respect, her small form strengthening and becoming stronger. A powerful aura surrounds her, visible to us all but having no effect on any of us.

"How do you feel now?" I ask with a passive voice.

"Unstoppable alpha" she tells me, she bows her head and lowers herself onto one knee. Bowing for the first time to her alpha as a warrior and not an outsider.

"Stand" I order in a cold voice and she does, she looks at me but not in my eyes.

"Ailidh your real training begins tomorrow at first light. Tonight you may do as you please, do not leave my territory" I state before turning away and leaving.

I've played nice far too long.

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