chapter 33

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~ Chapter 33 ~

"I'm going hunting! Anybody want to come?" I ask silencing them all, in a flash they're on their feet and leaving the house shouting amongst themselves. They really are wild.

Leading them into the forest I sense another presence.

Up in the trees.

'Don't react, stay in human form. There's someone watching us' I tell my pack before they start to shift. I feel their anger and hunger to kill but with my orders standing between them and the spy they make no move to attack.


"Let's do it" Amalia agrees instantly with excitement and my pack howl at the warrior.

"Arlan" I call through the crowd and he comes through with a nod.

"Which ones alpha?" He asks motioning for Amelia to sit on the stone slab.

"Warrior, faith, the symbolic trees and..purity" I answer him, Amelia looks at me with a bright smile. Even though the king took everything from her including her own virtue shes still pure, inside and out.

He instantly starts tattooing the warrior mark onto the top middle of her spine, it'll be the same size as the males just like mine is. Just because she's a female doesn't mean she gets it easy.

She doesn't show the slightest bit of pain and instead talks to cadell, her mate.

After endless hours of tattooing she's finally one of us, the ritual will take place at mid night.

Arlan adds a few other tattoos on her to make her fit in a little more. All my men are covered in tattoos, me included.

They also walk around almost naked, but cadell always makes them cover up a little if they are complete nude. Him being my old best friend makes him more protective, and he doesn't want Amelia seeing another man like that.

He treats Amelia like a princess, but also like a warrior. He's possessive and protective, but he didn't go easy on her training, he doesn't get upset when she's hurt in fact he seems proud. He wouldn't hurt her himself but when a warrior comes home with injuries its a sign that they've fought. Yes they might not have won but they didn't give up, Amelia doesn't back down from a fight thanks to my training.

My men are protective of her and while it seems like cadell and my men would go against me to save her, they wouldn't.

I know if cadell had to choose who to save out of me and amelia, his alpha or his mate, he would choose me. The pack can survive a lost mate, but they can't survive without an alpha.

As warriors they pledge their lives to me and while I respect that, I'd gladly fight to the death to protect Amelia.

I'd take on the entire royal guards if I had to.

As we wait for mid night to fall Amelia seems to get a little nervous. We explained to her what would happen and she didn't seem comfortable going through with it, but none of warriors did when it was them.

She has to go against the third in command, anghus, in battle. Her being the betas mate and him being below him but above her doesn't matter.

They fight until her strength is shown in front of the entire pack. Anghus won't go easy on her just because she's a female.

A soul has to be broken before I can fix them. Which means when cadell goes up against her he's going to have to break her completely.

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