chapter 13

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~ Chapter 13 ~

Washing the last of the paint off I get dry quickly. Walking into my room I pull on some undergarments and a light blue dress. Adding white ballet flats and a white waterfall blazer I walk back out.

Sitting on the floor I look into the mirror and tie my hair into a low ponytail. Adding brown eye contacts I exit my house.

My pack waits in the forest for me, my wolf whines at leaving our pack.

Upon seeing me cadell gives me a nod before turning his head away. I know he's upset and I feel sadness wash over me from my pack.

"I'll contact you all when I get there. Remember what I said, Jayson you stay away from Kenneth do you hear me?" I ask firmly and he nods with slightly watery eyes.

Sighing I open my arms and he hugs me tightly, I know its hard on him, on all of them.

They join in and before I know it I'm being half squashed to death by 87 warriors.

"Im not sure how long I will be gone, the king is cruel so I want you all to contact me if anything out of the ordinary happens. I'll keep you informed but until I return cadell will be in charge" I inform them as I reach the border.

" careful" cadell whispers in my ear as he hugs me, my heart stops as he calls me by my name. Its been seven years.

"I will" I whisper into his chest. In this moment im not his alpha, I'm not his sister but I'm his best friend again.

Moments pass before we pull away, I turn away quickly and walk away from them. The sadness emanating from them affecting me to the point where my eyes water. I didn't want them to see my tears so I walked away with my head held high.

"Did we do something?" I hear anghus ask confused.

"No but that's her story to tell. Not mine" cadells replys quietly.

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