chapter 54

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~ Chapter 54 ~

"It'll take a day or two for the poison to leave his system completely. Other than that he'll be fine, as long as he drinks a lot of water to help flush out the fluids" the healer tells me and I nod.

"Thankyou Kelvin" I nod and he smiles at me before I leave. We had returned a few hours ago and given the cure to Jayson, he seems to be getting better already thankfully. I'd spent a few hours with him but now its cadells turn, the rest of the warriors will be seeing him later once cadells done.

Entering my home I feel peace settle over me but the same loneliness from before returns, something's missing.

Sliding off my boots I quickly head upstairs and run the bath, stripping down I lower myself into it and lay there for a while.

That's until I noticed a little red in the water.

Jumping out I pull the plug quickly and jump in the shower instead.

Great. Another hell week begins.

If your wondering what hell week is then its the time of the month when a female bleeds, only for a wolf its a lot worse and a hell of a lot more painful.

Average she-wolves are able to move around a little such as going to the bathroom and to the bedroom but other than that its far too painful.

For an alpha it's even worse.

We can barely move due to our muscles seizing up, our abdomen kills like a mother fucker, our hunger hits a new high as does our usual foul temper than only triples.

We have sweats, barely sleep, barely eat due to the pain even though we're starving, hardly drink anything and to top it off our wolves want to mate.

As I expected the pain starts and I quickly scrub my body and wash my hair before getting out. Grabbing underwear and silk pajamas I sort myself out quickly and scrub my bath out despite the growing pain.

My bathroom needs to sparkle.

Not being able to take the pain any longer I slowly walk towards my bed almost doubled over.

Just a few more steps.

Taking the last step to my bed I climb onto my bed groaning softly as my pain gets worse.

I'd take those multiple slashes to my back any day compared to this.

I could feel my animalistic side rising slowly, my wolf growling quietly and my anger appearing.

Curling up in the middle of my Queen size bed I growl quietly to myself, angry I'm acting so weak and helpless.

'Alpha your in pain" bevyn tells me confused and alarmed, his protectiveness showing.

'Shut it bevyn' I snarl a reply and he instantly backs down.

A minute later in hear my front door open like it does every time, only this time there's two sets of footsteps instead of one.

He comes into my bedroom and instantly comes to my side.

"Do you need anything? Maybe the healers can help you" cadell says in a soft caring tone in attempt to keep me calm.

Didn't work.

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