chapter 41

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~ Chapter 41 ~

He's not real.

This isn't real.

A warm body pulling me into theirs snaps me from my thoughts. Shoving the person away I stand up straight and glare hatefully at the three strangers.

"Don't ever call me that again! You have no fucking right you bastards" I glare with clenched fists.

The woman looks at me with hurt and hope in her eyes while her husband makes sure she's ok.

"Were your parents seva, we understand that your angry but please let us explain" she begs kneeling in front of me.

"Fine. Give it to me straight." I tell them.

"The vampires knew of your power the day you were born, they tricked us into sighing a contract that says you belong to them. However they didn't know which one of you had the power. When they asked for you we said no and until you turned nine we killed anyone who came. That was until their entire army came for you.." My mother tells me.

"We fought as much as we could but our pack died and so we put the plan we had into action. We sedated you with something that makes you seem dead but you weren't, Achilles took your place and went with them. We pretended to be dead and put ourselves unconscious too" she whispers with tears trickling down her face.

"So you let me think you were dead? Then when you do find me you fucking torture me? I could've gotten over that. I could have forgiven you" I spat at her with disgust and hate.

"And now?" She whispers hopefully.

I laugh mercilessly "you slaughtered my warriors. My only family. The ones I trusted and loved, the ones who helped me forget about you. The only thing I want now is death. The way my men died was wrong and I won't let them die in vain. How many pack members do you have?" I sneer with disgust and my parents flinch.

"528" my mother whispers and I scoff.

"That wouldn't settle my thirst." I bite with hate.

"Seva" Achilles whispers from behind me and I close my eyes tightly.

I'm not sure if I can forgive my parents. Not after my packs death. Not so soon.

But Achilles is my twin. He's my brother. He gave up his life for me. He searched for me. He fought for me. He wanted revenge for me.

"Seva I'm so sorry" he sobs and I feel my heart shatter as the sound remains with me. My anger fades and the monster dissapears. The alpha in me goes quiet and for a minute I'm seva again.

"I'm a warrior. My pack were warriors. You didn't just kill me when you slaughtered my pack. You killed my best friend, your second son." I inform them coldly. My mother bursts into a fit of sobs and breaks down.

I head to the door but stop and turn to the crying strangers.

"I won't leave yet, but anyone who crosses my path is dead." I state icily and slam the door behind me. I realise I'm in the castle. They must have been staying there this whole time.

Going into the forbidden parts of the castle I open a certain door sure enough I see him.

My head tightens painfully and I feel the overwhelming need to cry but I hold back.

"Your the kings son." I state unlocking his chains. He watches me silently. My body is still bare, hundreds of scars litter my back. A few littler my legs and a huge gash runs along my cheekbone.

"Your hurt" he tells me softly and I step away once he's free.

"I'm fine" I tell him and leave the room so he can get dressed while I head into the room I was in. Going into the corner I grab my jeans and pull them on ignoring the pain.

I hiss in pain and take a deep breath before bending back over to put my shoe on.

"I'll do it" he tells me softly and gently pushes my hands away so he can tie my laces on the combat boots. He puts my other shoe on before reaching for my top, along with all my animal fur.

He looks me dead in the eyes as he pulls me clothes over my head. As soon as it touches my back however I shake my head.

"Leave it off" I tell him as severe pain runs through me making me pant lightly.

He frowns confused and stands from his kneeling position to step around me.

"Who did this?" He growls furiously, I can feel his hands hovering over my back but not touching in case he hurt me further.

I remain silent as tears brim my eyes.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" I ask him ignoring his question, I wanted to tell him but I didn't know how.

"No, my men are dead" he tells me and I nod understanding. I didn't want to go back to my pack land even though I knew I'd have to at one point.

"You can come with me if you like" I tell him softly. He pulls his black hoodie off and pulls it over my body, its huge and thankfully doesn't touch my gashed back as I move.

My wolf is doing her best to heal me but with wolfsbane in my system it'll take until tonight to completely heal.

I look at him for an answer and he nods, with that we leave the forbidden part of the castle but I make sure to grab all my belongings including knife and his book. He takes them from me gently and carries them, while holding the hoodie in his fingers and pulling it away from my back gently so it doesn't cause me more pain than necessary.

"Thankyou" I tell him as we reach the castles kitchen. He looks at me with confusion like nobody has ever thanked him before.

"You don't need to thank me" he tells me gently as to not offend me and I smile a little.

"I wanted to" I reply squeezing his hand reassuringly.

"Seva..can we talk?" My mother asks softly entering the kitchen and I glare at her.

"You've done enough." I reply coldly.

"I..I know you hate me for what we did but it was for your own safety. We didn't want you to get hurt-"

"You've caused me more pain now that you did when I thought you were dead!" I fume slamming my hands on the table as I stand.

"Fuck your bullshit about protecting me! I'm alive because I chose to be! I took out an entire race of vampires at eleven years fucking old for you! For all of you! And in return you kill my-.." I stop and the word refuses to leave my mouth, not wanting to face the inevitable truth.

"I suggest you leave whilst you can" the male beside me warns in a deadly voice.

My mother looks at him as if only just realising he's here as well "she won't hurt me"

"What makes you so sure?" I glare.

"She might not. But I will. Your upsetting her" he glares darkly at my mother and she flinches.

She looks between us and smiles slightly before nodding and leaving.

Letting out a breath of air I didn't realise I was holding I turn to him.

"Let's go" I tell him softly and he nods. We leave the castle and take one of the kingdoms cars, I sit to the side so my arm is resting against the seat. As the trees blur past I feel a new sense of emptiness, a long tear trickles down my face and lands on my leg tucked under me.

Closing my eyes I allow the lonely darkness to consume me as I fall into a comforting sleep.

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