chapter 51

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~ Chapter 51 ~

Has he left?

A new wave of sadness and loss hits me and I look at cadell panicked and about to question where he was, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at something behind me in surprise and respect.

Something wet but soft like velvet softly touched my almost healed gashes and I knew instantly, I knew it was him even though I hadn't turned.

"I though you left" I say softly without turning and I hear a low deep growl in return. I could feel his warm breath caress gently across my back warming me up.

Cadell flashes me a small smile seeming excited before he stands up and also shifts into his dark brown muscled wolf, he nudges the rest of the wolves away to give me more room. They stay in the same position but give me a big open space so I could move around. Cadell lays down turning away to give me privacy but by the twitching of his ears he's fully alert, like the rest of my warriors.

I could feel surprise in every member of my pack along with awe, respect and slight fear.

Strange, my men don't fear anyone. Besides me when I'm on a rampage of respect. Which happens one a month..if you get my drift.

Turning I gape in suprise at Lincoln. It makes sense, his strange scent as if he's from a tropical rain forest, his silence, his strength, his speed, everything.

He's the beauty in both forms, but his other forms hidden nature is beastly.

He's the beauty and the beast.

~ The Legend ~ Bear Claw Where stories live. Discover now