chapter 31

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~ Chapter 31 ~

A few months had passed since the death of the king.

Amelia finally found herself and trained, she became more confident, still quiet but she wasn't scared anymore.

Since her being here I've had no problems with the pack and therefore remained calm and smiling. But something is going to happen, something that might just change us all.

And I have no idea what it is.

The strange man I brought back stayed for only a week before leaving, he spoke no words still and I couldn't help the feeling of loss as he left with his men.

I didn't get to say goodbye, he just left my land in the night without telling me. However he did leave a single thing behind.

His book.

Since his departure my wolf hasn't been herself. She puts images in my head of him beaten and bloody.

It hurts. As much as I hate to admit it, it hurts. He just left me with no explanation or even a goodbye. He simply turned his back on me.

A part of me thought he wanted to stay, that he wanted to be with me.

But I'd known him only for a week, he didn't speak or make any contact with me. He simply watched me.

He broke many of my rules and that's what angers me. But I also broke mine.

Even if hes the one that left us I allowed it.

I left him behind.

"Alpha dinner is ready" Amelias soft voice echoes through the oak door and I snap from my trance.

"Im not hungry" I reply with my eyes trained on the flames of the fire.

"You didn't eat last night alpha, its not good fo-"

"I decide what's good for myself. Not you or anybody else amelia" I cur her off.

Would the fire hurt?

More than my wolf and heart already did?

"I meant no disrespect alpha" she whispers after moments of silence and I sense her fear of me even through the door.

"Come in" I sigh to her and slowly she opens the door. She steps in and closes it behind her, her eyes watch me with sadness.

"You loved him, did you not?" She asks gently while taking a seat beside me on the black leather couch in front of the fire.

"I didn't know him" I reply in denial.

"I didn't know cadell, but I knew I loved him as soon as I heard his voice. We can all see your hurting alpha, as your warriors we know these things. But as your friend may I recommend something?" She asks.

I nod once and turn to face her curiously.

"Don't let him leave, we never leave another behind and even though he left us there had to be a reason. I recommend we step up our game, I say we fight for what we want. And what we want is to see you happy, so no offence alpha but get off your ass and go fight for what you want" she tells me softly, the warrior in her having enough of my sitting around.

What am I doing? Shes right. I'm an alpha, I fight for what I want and I'm not going to stop just because of some man I don't know.

Its time to hunt.

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