chapter 50

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~ Chapter 50 ~

Breathing deeply as my rage cools I turn towards my warriors who stand silent and watch with pride and respect. My parents, twin and cadell stand at the opposite side to the right watching.

My mother looks curious and horrified, my twin looks awed and pale, and my father looks proud.

Lincoln stands on the field with his eyes trained on my every move and I would be lying if I said I hadn't noticed.

"Blood has had blood!" I tell my warriors loud enough for them to hear and they raise their weapons in the air cheering.

"You've been avoiding me" a deep voice states softly and I suck in a breath of air, his rejection playing over in my head. Just pretend it didn't happen.

"If there's an 'I told you so' coming then save it." I tell him and walk towards cadell. His hand lands gently on my arms and firmly holding me still.

"I'm not going to say that, it was your decision and no matter what you decided I would have respected it" he tells me softly and I detect no lies in his voice.

Turning my head to him I look at him "good" state and yank my arm from his grasp walking away again.

"Is this about last night?" He asks softly and grabs my arm again gently but firmly.

"Nothing happened last night, it was a mistake and it won't happen again. That I can promise" I tell him and roughly yank myself away from him, this time he doesn't grab me and let's me go instead.

"We're leaving. Enjoy the rest of your lives despite how short they might be. Tell nobody of my pack or I'll personally come and slaughter you all myself" I tell my mother and twin, not even glancing at my dad.

Cadell nods and we both turn towards the other pack members to leave.

"Wait! Seva" my dads voice calls out and I freeze in my tracks, his voice brings back memories of my childhood. Him rocking me to sleep. Him playing hide and seek with me. Him sneaking out in the night to get me ice cream. Him taking me to the zoo. Him taking me clothes shopping. Him knocking doctors out when I got a cold.

My warriors walk towards me sensing the pain in my heart, I hold my hand out for them to stop.

"What?" I ask rudely not turning to him, I didn't want to let him see the ushered tears in my eyes. That my pack could see but instead of seeing it as a weakness it made us stronger.

"Do I not get to hug my princess goodbye?" He asks sounding closer.

"You mean like you did 9 years ago?" I reply coldly.

"I missed you growing up seva don't you think that hurts me too? Your still my sweet little seva no matter how much time passes, you know that don't you?" He asks a matter of steps behind me.

My heart cracks in my chest at the heartbreak in his voice.

"Do you remember the day in the forest when you decided to go hunting on your own?" He asks me softly and I stay silent as tears threaten to spill.

That memory haunts me daily.

"I found you and carried you back home, do you remember what you said to me? You said you didn't want to fight, you didn't want to hurt anyone" he says.

"And then I said and I quote 'oh my sweet little seva one day you'll see the world for how it really is, one day you'll change and the world as you see it will change with you.' You said you didn't want to change seva, do you remember that?" He asks softly from behind me.

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