chapter 9

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~ Chapter 9 ~

I felt pride as my pack howled with me, into the black of the forest beyond us. The entire pack was a high for the rest of the might, me included.

We won another war. The red moon pack did what they wanted and packs not as strong as them stayed far away and let them do as they like.

Not to my pack. You mess with me you have not only my boys to deal with but me as well. You mess with my boys however...I slaughter everything you care about in front of your very eyes before ending you too.

Hours after the celebration was over we head back to pack land. Sometime during the night we set our wolves free, to be the beast they are.

"He didn't come with us alpha" cadell tells me as we run back home together. My pack surrounding me in a big circle, cadell to my left and anghus to my right. All my warriors are different sizes but all big and all the same strength.

Jayson runs in front of me in his wolf form like the rest of us, we all wanted to keep him close after being gone so long.

I didn't mind where I ran in my pack, I know my place and they know there's plus I'm not a complete control freak like most alphas.

Other alphas want to be at the front of the line when running with someone, especially their pack just so they can prove the pack is below them. My pack isn't below me, they're all high class warriors in my eyes and they deserve to treated as such.

It doesn't matter where I run in my pack because they always make sure I'm surrounded and protected from anyone unseen although that's highly unlikely.

Only I and my pack get to see my warriors in wolf form, its a pack thing I suppose. If someone does see you in wolf form you have to kill them.

I growl at cadells news.

Does this new boy take me for a fool? Thinking he can go against my orders because he's an alpha?

My patience is wearing down.

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