chapter 5

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~ Chapter 5 ~

Kenneth McClain POV

A loud knock on my door startles me awake from the dark body covered forest surrounding me. Sitting at the edge of my bed I rub my face harshly in attempt to rid the hideous images of my dead parents from my mind.

The scent of lavender melts anything bad from my mind and images of seva filled my mind. Dark brown long curly hair bumped up at the front with white paint in, creamy skin unusual for a werewolf that's usually painted paint with dark blue lines that most likely represent her pack, grey eyes with silver flecks rimmed with a circle of black and thick lashes, she's perfect in every way.

The legends of the bear claw pack never mentioned a female, or any names. When your an outsider you fear her pack, you have nightmares at the mention of the name and her packs reputation. Children and babies are found dead, crushed beneath wolfs paws.

But being in her pack you can partially understand their reasons.

At first glance seva seems cold, distant and well..scary. But when you look a little closer you see the warmth shining in her eyes as she leads her pack. You see the happiness and trust radiating from her, giving off a vibe that has even me smiling.

But she's more than meets the eyes. Beneath her happiness is anger, confusion, guilt, and more loyalty. She refuses to let anyone get past that third layer, hiding something gruesome and dark.

And you might think its easy to figure her out but its not.

She's always occupying herself with something, distracting herself. I've been here nine days, most of my knowledge of her came from my wolf or being near her and picking different vibes up.

She's like an onion. If you rush and force your way in she's going to hide things, keep secrets, not trust you and probably get depressed. But if you slowly peel back the layers one by one you'll gain her trust, she'll eventually open up to you as long as your patient.

I remember the first day I woke up here.


The pain in my body wasn't as bad as I expected, in fact it was almost gone. But why?

The wolfsbane in my blood put me unconscious not long after white dawn pack left, I could feel coldness seep into my already cold body but this was different. I could feel myself detaching away from my body if that makes sense? And then like a bucker of water went over me I could feel myself being drawn back into my body slowly. Like something was keeping me here.

That feeling vanished and a blinding light hit my eyes, suddenly I was stood in darkness with only an unmoving blinding light in the distance.

I could hear faint screams in the distance, angry shouts, murmuring voices and well it was hell.


Moving towards the light confused I feel a force push me backwards "save him." A melodic angel orders and I really think I'm in heaven.

At least it was less painful than I imagined.

After some time walking the darkness and the light suddenly disappear. The screams and shouts face away and I hear a faint annoying beeping noise.

Where am I?

Forcing my eyes open I squint to keep them open, they feel as if bricks are holding them down. I could feel my wolf in the background for the first time in four months, I know he's not fully recovered but his presence let's me know he's going to be ok.

A glass of water is placed near my mouth and I look up confused. A man with brown hair, blue eyes, tan skin and masculine stands beside me.

I'm not gay but his body has a menacing look to it. Like denying the glass of water would get me killed.

"Drink" he nods and pushes it to my lips, greedily I drink the clear water. Doing my best not to cough it all back up.

"Why am I here?" I ask with a deep voice that sounds slightly raw.

"I was checking the black knights territory and found you. The alpha ordered to bring you back" he tells me leaning against the wall opposite. The way he said alpha had me thinking about my own old pack, he said it like his alpha was a god and yet my pack cared enough to leave me to rot.

Lovely of them wasn't it?

"Who's your alpha?" I ask, he smirks slightly as if amused.

"Alpha Vixen of the bear claw pack" he tells me and I raise my eyebrow in wonder.

"So I'm in the bear claw packs territory?" I ask sighing when he nods.

"Our alpha has one main rule. There are others but the most important one is to never leave someone behind. Even if they're a prisoner. We all respect and agree to it, this entire pack knows that if they left someone behind and left like a coward they'd personally be hunted by our alpha and slaughtered" he tells me shrugging slightly as if it was normal.

"White dawn pack never leave anybody behind and alpha respected them for that hence why they survived so long. None of us like the fact that they left you, especially in the state that you were. The entire packs respect for them including our alphas has gone and I can't wait for the moment we go to war with them" he smirks darkly.

Should I not mention I'm the alpha of white dawn? Well old alpha?

We fall silent as the door opens. We both look towards it including the two men I didn't notice before, the three quickly advert their eyes.

Lavender hits me along with the forest and blood.

I expected a male alpha especially from the gruesome legends. A pack being led into war multiple times and slaughtering 9 packs within the past seven years seems more of a male thing right?

So I was surprised when a woman's body parts where facing me.

"Cadell" the woman's soft angelic voice says and the man I first spoke to bows, the other two men bow also and leave behind him.

Lifting my eyes to her face I do my best to focus on her features and not her body. She's absolutely gorgeous.

Her face, chest and arms covered in white paint. A dark blue line of paint went from the bottom of her lips to the bottom of her chin. Two small dark blue lines were places on her left eyebrow separately and on her left cheekbone three larger lines lay. Going from left to right they got bigger.

Her hair also had paint in to match her arms. Her eyes had shadowed black makeup surrounding them adding to the dangerous vibe.

All in all. She's gorgeous and she's mine.

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