chapter 6

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~ Chapter 6 ~

Brushing my teeth thoroughly I get dressed and head downstairs, the pack house was a mansion and everybody lived here except seva and cadell. Her pack is big, mine had 122 but none were trained even half as good as hers, her pack also has loyalty and trust unlike mine.

Her pack proves that size doesn't matter, its how well you train your pack. One member of her pack has more respect and love for her than my entire pack put together.

Slowly but surely my body is getting stronger and more agile than it ever was thanks to my beautiful mate and her painful training.

She pushes your body until you physically and mentally feel like dying, then she makes you walk home and eat before sleeping.

I can see why her pack is so strong. She's a determined alpha and when her mind is set its set. She sometimes comes across as harsh but she wants what's best for her pack and by spending even an hour with her you can see it makes her beyond happy to see her pack happy.

If she wasn't my mate there's no way in hell I'd be taking her commands seeing as I'm also an alpha but the fact that she is and she's helping me puts me at ease.

I know she's not aware of us being mates but after her speech of me having to either reject or kill my mate I don't think I will be telling her.

Once I've eaten I do as she asked and train for two hours. I barely break a sweat as I train thanks to last night training building my stamina.

Werewolves don't take long to build their muscle, strength and stamina back up like humans do. In human form we might starve and become weak but our wolves lay at rest and remain strong and healthy unless we shift into them whilst weak and can't shift back. My wolf didn't change in the slightest while I was starved, beaten and dehydrated.

Realising its been over two hours I quickly stop training and head to the south east border.

By the time I got there the entire pack was waiting, none seemed bothered except for the ones bowing as a familiar voice shouts in anger.

"I was traini-" she cuts me off with a snarl.

"I told you to be here! What fucking part of my orders do you not understand?! If you want to remain in this pack then you fucking take me seriously!" She bellows snarling viciously, her power radiating around her. The warriors flinch and back away.

However I'm also an alpha. I'm also a leader like her. I also have a tempter like her.

"Your orders? Your not the only alpha around here princess" is my reply. Clearly it was the wrong thing to say.

In the nine days I've been here I've never seen her show anger, or show any sort of violence towards her pack or myself.

When I was tackled with a knife pressing into my throat I'm mildly surprised.

She pins me to the floor with strength I didn't realise she has, her pack remain still and simply watch not wanting to be in my position. Although I am liking her position over me.

Her teeth elongated into sharp canines, eyes in black slits, lips curled back showing her pearly white teeth, her hair the same style as always and her face, arms and chest painted like always.

I've never seen her without the paint covering her, almost as if its a front for people to fear.

"Alpha, punish him later if you wish but my brother could be dead" it was cadell that decided to speak up. Realising that I wasn't about to back down but I wasn't about to harm my mate either.

As if a switch flipped she jumped away from me and slipped her knife into her jeans. Her pack look at me with suprise that I didn't back down and I refrain from smirking.

The bond wouldn't allow her to harm me, hence why she didn't.

"Right. Anghus, Ansgar, Arthur, Bevyn, Blair, Raven, Donogh, Duncan, Ferris, Eagle, Richard, Girard, Glen, Guy, Kent, Kieran, Lee, Lloyd and cadell. You'll be entering on the north border, tight formation remain undetected" she orders and they take off instantly disappearing into the forest in human form.

She continues to list of the names of the warriors, sending the next group to the south border, then the east and then we all take off for the west border. The pack currently about to be slaughtered would try and escape at the north west border, her warriors will surround them but due to them being quite a strong pack we're taking the spot where they'll all come running.

Why would another pack have cadells brother? Why am I only hearing of this now?

We take off in the direction of the Red Moon pack, its quite far away which is probably the reason they thought they could take a member of someone's pack. They have no idea what they signed themselves up for when they took him, and apparently neither did I.

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