chapter 17

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~ Chapter 17 ~

Cadells POV

Alpha seva has been gone for over three weeks now, she sends images every night and asks how everyone is but without her here, ordering us round and smiling brightly the pack are becoming despresed.

The alpha being gone weighs heavily on their shoulders, including mine. But we hold it together knowing she's doing what she has to in order to take out the threat, even if we didn't like how she was going about it one bit.

The king is rumoured to have many women. Most not willing may I add.

I've done some disgusting and unforgivable things in my life but I've never forced myself on a woman. None of our men have.

They may seem cold, distant and ruthless but we all do what we do in order to survive. In our world you either become a monster or you become a slave to a pack, or worse. The king.

There's no winning really.

If your a monster like we are seen as then you have enemy's everywhere trying to kill you, hence why we remain a legend.

And if your a slave you have those above you as your enemy. Doing whatever they please to you, your soul, body and mind is theirs.

Our alpha makes decisions everyday for us, decisions to keep us safe and healthy.

Unlike other packs who are loaded with money we don't have that luxury.

It was either money or safety. We choose safety.

See while those other packs have shit loads of money they have threats constantly. Rogues know about them, the king knows bout them and hunters know about them.

Seva and I were once best friends but when it happened she changed. She knew she was in danger despite her young age, she knew it was either step up and fight or become a slave.

Seva was never a fighter, her heart was too soft as her parents said.

When it happened, she trained. Non stop. I helped her but as she trained she grew cold, distant and more threatening.

At thirteen she swiped the vampire race from existence in revenge for what they did. I followed in her steps and soon I was no longer her best friend. I was her beta, her second in command.

she became an alpha. A pure blood. One of the fallen.

Not born with the genes of an alpha but gifted them, from the moon goddess herself as a peace offering. Seva knew she couldn't kill everyone for revenge so she took the moons advice and became the alpha we all needed. An alpha we could call our best friend, our sister, our mother, our protector.

She knows she's powerful, she's never used it against us either which makes her more than respected in our eyes.

She didn't trust many people. Her pack and her wolf are all she cares about.

She didn't cry for her parents, she didn't ask questions. She took what her parents left for her and became the alpha she is today.

If anybody deserves a mate to spend their lives with, it would be her. We want to see her happy but with her 'no weaknesses' rule there's no chance of that happening.

The images she sends me every night are currently being drawn out in a hidden room when Kenneth is asleep. Becan has a photographic memory and also happens to be able to draw.

Jayson has been training like crazy every night, seva guides him with her mind as best as she can and everyone can see the huge improvement in his skills. Being trained by an alpha is extremely rare, alphas don't like to share their knowledge on taking down the enemy but seva wants him at his strongest for when it happens.

When Kenneth stops playing games and takes him.

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