chapter 44

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~ Chapter 44 ~

The next morning when I woke up I couldn't help but notice how he was holding me.

My head was on his chest and I was half layed on top of him on my stomach, his muscled arms held me to his body tightly. However they were over my back and without reopening my stitches I couldn't force my way out of his hold.

"Lincoln" I shakes him but he didn't even stir, he's completely out of it. So I did what any normal person would do in this situation.

I shimmied my body over his, well attempted to. As I was half way over he grabbed me again and mumbled something incoherent with a frown.

Once again I couldn't move, I was now straddling his waist with my palms pressed against his muscled chest. Sucking in a deep breath I scan his face but see no sign of him waking up soon.

Sighing I reach up to his face.

"I really didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice" I tell him annoyed even though he didn't hear a single syllable leave my mouth.

Covering his mouth with one hand so he can't use it to breath through I pinch his nose, he remains unknown for a second and then frowns in his sleep.

I watch in amusement as his eyes snap open with a dark look in them.

"Hi" I state letting go so he can breath again, he furrows his brows as he realises the position we're in.

"Sorry" he says unwrapping his arms from around me, he seemed almost amused at our position more than anything.

Pushing myself off him careful of my back I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth, relieving myself quickly before I leave. Walking back into the bedroom I lay across the bed completely bored.

My usual morning routine ruined. My usual daily routine gone. My usual life turned to shit.

Cadell was one of my best warriors, Jayson was my best tracker and the fastest out of my men. Ansgar was also one of my best warriors.

There's no way they can be dead. What about Ailidh? She was a warrior but she was new, did she survive?

Until the pack is healed of the loss over those who have died I wont be able to connect with them. The trauma on the link right now it too much, in a way it severed our bond.

"Once your healed we can go, if you'd like" Lincolns voice breaks me from my thoughts and I raise my head to look at him.

"You remember the girl who used to help you heal?" I ask him although its not really a question.

He nods "she became one of my warriors" I tell him looking away.
I didn't want to see him show any sign of disgust towards me, if he had a soft spot for her it would make me feel worse than I already do.

Standing up I head over to my new clothes, taking some black skinnys, and a black ripped back top I grab fresh undergarments and go into the bathroom.

The rips in the back of the top won't rub on my stitches like the others, I don't care what humans think because I have enough rage to take out their race if I want to.

Getting dressed I brush my hair and leave the bathroom, opening one of the boxes beneath my clothes curiously I notice boots inside. Ankle boots with 2 inch heel on.

How did he know I love these? Along with combat boots?

"You seemed to be what the humans call a 'badass'" he comments from the bathroom doorway. I didn't even see him move.

"A badass?" I raise my eyebrow and he nods smirking slightly. The heads into the bathroom and that's when I notice that there's no male items in with my stuff. Noticing a bag on the floor I see his stuff inside instead of hung up.

~ The Legend ~ Bear Claw Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang