chapter 56

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~ Chapter 56 ~

I wake up from my peaceful slumber to find Lincoln fast asleep, his mouth parted slightly although no snores meet my ears.

Thank god.

A pain jabs my abdomen and I bite my lip painfully hard so I don't whimper and wake him up. Managing the pain for now I take in our position.

One of my hands in between us while my right arm is layed across his chest, my fingers spread out over his heart beat. My head leant on his chest while his arm wraps around me, my right leg raised and over his right leg, settling in between both of his.

His right arm across his own half turned torso and dangling over my waist.

I felt calm at ease until I realised I had to get up and get to the bathroom. Staying for another few moments to drink in the peacefulness I eventually lift my leg from between his, unhooking his arm from around me and quickly replacing it with my pillow as he stirs in his sleep.

Carefully climbing off the bed I expected pain to knock me on my ass like every month, but it didn't. I felt pain but compared to last month it was nothing so i took it with ease.

His massage actually worked.

Normally I'd be unable to walk and be forced to degrade myself when I had to get my own beta to help me to the bathroom, or to help me shower.

Practically skipping to my big walk in wardrobe I grab fresh undergarments and silk pajamas, then heading into the bathroom to sort myself out before getting it the shower.

Its dark outside so unsurprisingly we slept the entire day away.

After showering and shaving I get out, get dry and get dressed.

Brushing my teeth twice I rinse the sink before heading back to the bed, the pain in my lower stomach slowly coming back. Whilst I'm awake I deal with it but whilst I'm asleep my wolf deals with it for me.

Crawling slowly over to middle of the bed I let my body drop into the silk sheets before pulling my legs closer to my chest.

Tonight is technically still the first day of hell week so its the easiest, on the second its a lot more painful and my animal side takes over, on the third I hate everything around me, on the fourth I'm an emotional wreck, on the fifth I sleep, on the sixth the pain dies down to the point of it barely being there and on the seventh.. Wolf wants to mate anyone in sight.

Cadell knows this and he takes my warriors on a day run, they would smell my wolfs heat otherwise and their wolves would grow vicious, that's if they don't loose control of their wolves and come to my room.

Shutting my eyes as pain rises I simply lay there and take it knowing there's nothing I can do to stop it and I doubt Lincolns massages are going to work every time.

'Someone bring me food' I state through the mind link coldly and I hear my men argue amongst themselves on who's to bring it. None of them like me when its hell week, its always been a highly feared thing every month.

I'll be in too much pain to eat by myself for the next 2-3 days and my men have tried to feed me themselves before but it doesn't end well. Someone always leaves with bleeding fingers from me biting them with anger.

Eventually they got the message and forced themselves to stay away, they didn't like seeing their alpha in pain but they also didn't like being attacked by me either.

A minute later my door opens and I see ansgar walk in with a huge tray of food.

He sits it down beside me and looks at Lincolns sleeping form in shock, his eyes check his body for injuries from me and then he looks extremely confused.

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