chapter 38

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~ Chapter 38 ~

Dizziness rushes through my head as I blink my eyes open, squinting I peel my eyes open and reach to rub them. Something cold retrains me and I stand instantly wide awake.

Looking around I realise my arms are spread wide with metal chains attaching to thick concrete stone, to keep my bound. My legs are also spread but only to the width of my shoulders. My ankles also have thick heavy metal chains around, I can move my legs around a bit where as I can't move my arms at all.

My clothes and book are in the far corner of the huge room, impossible for me to get to.

Dried blood splats over my body, the cold breeze against my skin letting me know I'm almost naked. My black lace undergarments on full show, giving anyone who enters a full show. I snarl loudly and leave my eyes trained on the door.

White paint still covers my body although I have dirt covering my face, hands and feet.

I wait for many hours with aching arms. My fury growing by the second.

The thick heavy door let's out a high pitched screech as it slowly opens. My wolf snaps her teeth in annoyance due to her sensitive hearing, it doesn't effect me due to the monstrous side of me still being present.

"Good! Your awake!" A large man smiles calmly, something about him seeing familiar. He looks my age which is strange.

I remain silent and it seems to annoy him slightly.

"Your probably wondering why your here right?" He asks and his face darkens into hate. My wolf whimpers confusing me.

"I've spent 7 years trying to find you. The monster that slaughtered hundreds with no regret" he says with a thoughtful look but the disgust in his eyes makes the monster in me back off slightly.

"How did it feel killing them?" He asks stepping closer to me so he's basically in my face.

He glares when I remain silent and his fist slams into my jaw a second later. My heart tears slightly and I feel my eyes brim with tears.

What the fuck?!

Pain registers as my head snaps to the left, fury runs through me and I snap my head back to him and spit in his face. He looks at me in shock and disgust as I show no pain and instead spit in his face, it almost hits his mouth.

"Got some spunk in you eh, I like that. Let's how much spirit you have when you feel the pain" he smirks and something in my head starts pulsing like my pack is starting to communicate with me.

My breath hitches but I show no pain as I feel what he's talking about.

They're dead.





My pack is dead.

It can't be..

They can't be.

My life's work. Gone.

My only family. Gone.

And the man in front of me, is the reason.

He killed my pack.

~ The Legend ~ Bear Claw Where stories live. Discover now