chapter 40

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~ Chapter 40 ~

73 days later...

I grit my teeth and hold tightly onto the chains that had been loosened a little. The familiar pain enveloping me as the soothing whoosh of the air sounds before it cracks loudly on my bare skin, slicing me open like a piece of cake. I feel my blood trickle down my back like a waterfall with all the other gashes.

My eyes shut as I pant heavily. My body worn out from the daily torture. I don't complain. I don't fight it. I don't cry. I don't make any sounds.

They killed my pack, its my fault for leaving and this is my punishment.

"Take her to his room." One of the three men say. None being the man from the first day here, he hasn't come back at all.

The chains on my arms and feet are removed and I hear them clank to the floor. My eyes snap open as my body drops to the floor.


As soon as one nears me I force the pain away and shift into my wolf. Tearing the mans head off.

I do the same to the other two men and sprint at the door, taking it off its hinges flawlessly.

Guards come running and I let out a deadly roar, they groan in pain and grab their ears trying to block out the ear deathening sound.

I stomp my way through them, crushing different men under my huge pitch black paw. My canines rip through flesh, tearing limbs off and allowing blood to coat my fur.

A new flooding of guards come with guns, I snarl and lower my dead threateningly with a vicious glint in my dark murderous eyes.

A bullet hits my right shoulder inflicting little to none pain as my adrenaline over powers anything. For 73 days I've been chained up, in that fucking room with little food and water to survive. I've been slapped. I've been punched. I've been stabbed. I've been electrocuted. I've been tortured.

But I haven't been beaten.

I will never be beaten.

"Hold you fire!" A furious voice roars and my eyes narrow as the leader himself comes forwards.

I snarl daring him to come closer and he holds his hands up with a pleading look.

"I didn't know..I didn't..I wouldn't have done this to you I swear. Im so sorry, I'm so so sorry..forgive me" he pleads falling to his knees as he takes in the blood dripping from me. None being mine as my injuries are in human form.

Snapping I let out a roar and lunge for him with steel in my eyes, I feel many tranquilizers hit me and start to take effect. My speed slows but my temper remains.

I continue to make my way towards him, my steps now wobbly and slow as I drag my paws with each step. I growl and advance on him before darkness enters my vision and I fall forwards onto the floor in front of him. Snapping weekly one last time before the darkness completely takes me.


Forcing my eyes open I look around instantly, noticing that I'm no longer in that stone room but in a hospital room.

"Thankgod your awake" a voice sighs with relief and I grip his throat in a second. The wires and needles ripping from my skin, blood flows free from my body but with my alpha blood they already start to heal.

"You killed my warriors!" I roar in his face venemously and toss his body across the room. He smacks the wall and slowly stands with so much sadness my wolf whimpers.

"I thought you killed my family" he replies quietly in a begging voice and I launch myself at him. Punching his abdomen making him double over I grab his hair and force his head back. Slamming my head into his nose I feel his nose bust open and pour with blood.

"You slaughtered 87 warriors. You will suffer 87 deaths." I hiss coldly and kick him harshly into the wall.

"Seva!" A voice I haven't heard in years says with alarm. A voice that I thought was dead, a voice that made me a monster.

Turning I see the man with my own eyes. No.

Its impossible.

My wolf whimpers at the man before us.

My knees buckle in shock and I turn numb. Feeling sick to my stomach I lean onto the palms of my hand and throw up all my stomachs contents onto the floor.

Theyve been feeding me through a tube whilst I was unconscious I come to realise.

"Oh my sweet little seva.."

~ The Legend ~ Bear Claw Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon