chapter 3

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~ chapter 3 ~

Three days go by with no movement or sound from the man other than his heart beat. Cadell checks on him every so often, impatient for the new warrior to awaken.

I've resumed myself to my pack work, due to being hidden from the world I don't have half as much as every other alpha. Its boring anyway.

Finishing off the last document I place my pen down and sigh. What now?

"Alpha there's rogues on the west border just over a mile away and closing in" one of my men on patrol says. By the time he finished I was already outside in my wolf form, my alpha speed taking me to the west border within five minutes.

Seventeen from my count attack one of my warriors all at once.
Bevyn attacks them head on in his wolf form, within minutes three of the disgusting creatures lie on the ground lifeless.

My snarl thunders through the trees shaking them, the ground beneath the rogues feet vibrate and birds fly into the sky in fear.

The rogues instantly cower and back away, none even seeing me yet through the shadows of the trees.

"Finish them off." I snarl to bevyn who instantly jumps at the first one. Tearing its throat out with his claws while sinking his teeth into another's jugular.

The two drop instantly and he pounces through the pathetic rogues with ease while they drop one by one.

"Alpha he's awake" cadell says happily and I remain focused on the fight while replying.

"Good" I reply simply while examining bevyn as he rips a rogues head clean off, there's only five left standing.

"Hold them" I tell him and he quickly circles them with his head low snarling daring them to move. I shift into my human form with little pain, my hair covers my breasts but the rest of me remains naked.

Bevyn keeps his eyes on the rogues although he tenses and his fur stands up threatening as the rogues openly stare at me.

"Have you been sent?" I ask icily with a dark glare on my face.

One of the men shift back and smirks "why should we tell you?" He asks cockily.

Bevyn grabs the mans right leg in his mouth, crunching down on the mans bones instantly crushing them earning a scream of pain.

"Nobody sent us" the man gasps in pain.

"Good. Finish them off" I tell bevyn before shifting and turning away, the sound of the men's screams echo around my land as bevyn slowly tears them apart one by one.

What a pity.

Note my sarcasm.

I run slowly through the forest on my land, an uneasy feeling settles on my wolf before disappearing. Interesting. It takes me a little longer to get to the pack infirmitry than usual due to my slow pace.

Shifting into my human form I enter the room he's in, not thinking twice about my nudity as its common in my pack. Multiple sets of eyes land on me before quickly looking away.

"Cadell" I nod and he bows before leaving, the two healers here also bowing and leaving. With just me and him in the room I walk closer to him, his eyes unreadable and I admire his respect as his eyes remain glued to my face and not my body.

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