chapter 35

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~ Chapter 35 ~

Painting my face, chest, arms and hair I throw some dark clothes on, adding animal fur over it.

Taking a medium sized knife I hide it in my clothes, swinging my bow over my head and across my chest I also grab a load of arrows.

Taking the book I was given I find a certain one, its been catching my eye since he left the book for me. A skull is drawn in the centre of the paper, a Celtic symbol that I know means darkness also drawn attached but to the side of the skull.

In my world a skull is a symbol of time, power, divinity, gateway, creation, initiation and concentration.

Why would a skull be with darkness?

Leaving my house with the book carefully tucked under my layers of animal fur I head towards the pack house.

"Alpha" cadell bows as I enter the kitchen, he places food in front of me which I eat knowing I'll need it for what I'm about to do.

"Your dressed for war?" He asks although its more of a statement.

"Correct" I tell him simply.

He frowns "may I know why?"

"I have some unfinished bunsines. I'll be back in a few days, notify me if anything goes wrong here. If the trees start to listen again put them in the cells. Nobody follows me, including you. Do I make myself clear?" I ask firmly and he bows his head slightly under my command.

"As you wish alpha" he says, respectfully nodding.

Finishing my food off I stand up and leave the pack house. If he betrays my command and sends any member of my pack for me he will face the ultimate punishment.


Unknowns POV

"Sir, we've had sightings of the unknown female throughout the forest." A guard tells me entering my room.

"Anything else?" I narrow my eyes. The guard shifts uncomfortable under my hard gaze.

"We've monitored her the best we can. We've found that she stays in the forest, seeming to be scouting the area. She's like a ghost sir..nobody can get a good glimpse of her, as soon as our eyes hit her she's gone" he tells me annoyed and confused with the female.

"Send out more guards. I want her surrounded and brought in" I order him and he bows.

"Yes, sir"

Leaning back in my seat I patiently wait for the female to be brought in.

Oh little girl your going to regret every decision you ever made.

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