chapter 59

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~ Chapter 59~

"GET!..OUT!" I scream at the top of my lungs glaring hatefully at cadell and five warriors in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Alpha, you need to-"

"YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO DO! YOU SHEEP SHAGGER!" I shout sneering at them. They appear taken back by my words and cadell groans smacking his head on the oak door frame repeatedly.

"Alpha calm down ple-"

"CALM DOWN? HOW FUCKING DARE YOU" I fume and grab the nearest male by his hair harshly.

"NEVER." Slap. "TELL." slap. "A." slap. "FEMALE." slap. "TO." slap. "CALM." slap. "DOWN." slap. "WHEN." slap. "SHE'S" slap. "BLEEDING!" I shout slapping him once again. His eyes were wide with fear and shock as his face turns an electric red, his skin rising up in the red angry shape of a hand print. He had no face left that wasn't raised or not red.

Heading back to my bed I climb up and stand straight glaring at them with venom.

They were about to speak when Lincoln enters the room, he looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed slightly. Wondering why I'm stood on my bed like the queen, glaring down at her peasants.

"She won't eat anything again" cadell grasses me up quickly and I sneer at him.

"I'M. NOT. FUCKING. HUNGRY." I scream through gritted teeth, this was a pathetic type of anger. It amused them.

Lincoln watches me with guilt and I know he's on their side.


"You have to eat today" cadell tells me, Lincoln stays silent but I know he's on their side he just doesn't want to speak up and anger me further.

"Your all a set of fuckers! Shove your damn food up your bell end! And you!" I hiss viciously, pointing a finger at Lincoln.

"I expected you to be on my side!" I sneer giving him the most dirtiest look I could muster.

"When your health is involved its different" he replies looking away, he doesn't like to go against me. That much is clear.

"My body is in too much pain to even keep food down! But none of you would know that would you! You all have dicks between your legs! You don't go through hell every fucking month! You don't get to force me to fucking eat! Now get the fuck OUT!" I shout loosing my temper. It hurt that he would turn against me but fuck him. I hate him. I hate cadell. I hate everyone.

I feel another presence enter my land, a foreign presence.

My teeth elongate and my claws extend into razor sharp talons, my eyes slowly changing colours.

Jumping from my queen size bed swiftly my feet lightly hit the tiled floor, in only my white silk pajamas I storm through the small group of people.

'How many?' I ask Jayson my cold alpha tone.

'3 alpha' he replies instantly, I cut the link and storm through my entire white house. Instead of leaving I turn left at the bottom of my white tiled stairs, opening the wooden door I walk in and snatch up a set of daggers from the wall.

Spinning them in my fingers I storm out of the room, down the hallway and through the huge tiled kitchen. Sliding open the glass double doors I head outside.

"Who is it?" Cadell asks catching up with me, the fury set on my face and in my posture putting my men on edge.

"Unwanted." I snarl a reply, he remains silence. He remains to my left, my warriors in step behind me ready for anything thrown their way.

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