chapter 10

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~ Chapter 10 ~

I've avoided Kenneth for the past week. His disrespect is getting on my last nerve. Its in my blood to comfort someone but he's new, I didn't want to turn him against me by thinking I'm going to control his every move.

I've stayed away for his sake. The day after the war he looked down at my pack like he was the alpha king himself which he isn't. The alpha king doesn't degrade wolves with his eyes.

The second day he wanted to train with some of my warriors, he attempted to manipulate their ways of fighting though. They played along for a while not knowing what he was up to before they snapped.

The third day he tried to have a heart to heart with my men, saying that killing packs for one person is a bit over the top. He thinks I'm stupid but I know exactly what he's trying to do. My men simply laughed in his face and walked away.

The fourth day he tried to be nice to me, he mentioned his life and I listened like a good alpha would. He asked me about my life but not straight out, more of a question in a answer type thing. He tried to break me down so I gave him false stories of my past. Which he believed. He then went and asked my pack about me, telling them he wanted to impress me but really he wanted information to use against me thinking I'm broken.

The fifth day he didn't leave my side, he asked me question after question distracting me from my pack. Whenever my men where showing or talking violence he changed the subject to something that was supposed to be funny. My pack have expressed their dislike for him to me, they don't trust him and I'm right there with them. Theyre secretly raging at the way he interrupts me, talks over me, trys to order me around.

Yesterday he was worse than normal, he was angry and didn't care who he took it out on. Trying to hurt members of my pack. Trying to make them bow.

Today I woke up like usual.

I put my paint on, got dressed, went to the pack house and grabbed some food.

"What's up boys?" I ask dropping my food into the bin and turning to the men at the door.

"White dawn. They know he's alive" one says quickly and I growl feeling anger flow through me, my wolf snaps angrily at the thought of him endangering my pack.

"Do they know about us?" I ask fuming and clench my fists tightly to keep my anger inside.

"Not everything alpha" Jayson says entering the kitchen with a bow. He's extremely good at tracking, however sending him out would be dangerous.

"He never broke the pack connection did he?" I seethe breathing heavily. I let his damn questions distract me!

"We think he's been contacting them all week. It would explain the scents around the border" Jayson says.

I nod thinking the new information through, it all makes sense. Him being left could have been a set up which would mean red moon knew about Jayson's tracking ability which is why they took him. It would also mean red moon and white dawn were working together this entire time, they would have alerted the high council of my pack as soon as Kenneth revealed it to them. The high council would have told the king and soon I'll be hunted, as will my pack.

Not for death. But to become his new challenge, to make the legend of the bear claw pack bow.

If I kill him his pack will know and alert the king that we know he knows, therefore sending out guards for my pack and putting them in danger.

Motioning them to follow me I take them to my study, its completely sound proof.

Shutting the door I lock it and motion for the three to sit.

"What do they know?" I ask the three grabbing a certain thick file.

"Barely anything. They don't know anything about you, he keeps you out of it for some reason. However they know names, they know im the youngest and class me as weak, they know we never leave another behind which is classed as a weakness" he tells me and I nod.

"Who's names?" I ask looking down at the file.

"Cadell, jayson, anghus, ansgar, Blair, and bevyn. Either he thinks the rest of us are weak or he doesn't know our names. It could be both" Jonah another one of my trackers tell me. Jayson is their commander despite his age.

"None of my pack are weak, but for appearances I want you to give him fake names if he asks and act clumsy in your training" I tell them knowing they'll do it without any command.

"If he thinks Jayson is our weakness then so be it. I will train you myself, those who train with Kenneth I need you to change your fighting style. If the king knows it can be used against us" I state, the new threat in the air hanging on my shoulders. My wolf paces restless and snarling inside me.

"Other than that you carry on life as normal, I'll be going to pay a visit to the king and I expect you all to cover for me. Jayson, read this file thoroughly. Its for your eyes only do I make myself clear?" I ask slowly.

He nods and I slide the file over to him "aren't you training me?" He asks confused and I grin tapping my head, he grins and nods.

"Remember what I said" I tell them sternly as they leave. As they exit my study they nod, Jayson tucks the file into his arm and heading straight in the direction of cadells home. They live in the same house as cadell isnt ready to let him move out at 14.

Locking my desk I check the hidden camera and leave, locking the door behind me for extra precaution.

My pack is in danger of the alpha king. A soon to be member of my pack has betrayed me. We may have an upcoming war and its only 9:45 in the damn morning!

But who am I to say no to a fight?

~ The Legend ~ Bear Claw Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ