chapter 22

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~ Chapter 21 ~

He opens the door and pulls me inside, not even warning me about what's inside.

Looking around I notice no windows. However it has vents in the stone walls letting all the cold in. Multiple cages line along the walls and I discretely glance into each one as I pass.

My eyes meet familiar ones and he notices me but looks at the floor quickly so the king didn't notice.

'You ok? Have they hurt you?' I ask instantly and watch the king drag me to the end door.

'I'm ok alpha, they haven't done anything to me yet. Its good to see you again didn't have to go through all this for us alpha' he tells me softly seeing how the king kisses me as the guards open the door.

My heart tightens 'your my family Jayson, you all are. I'd do much worse to protect you' I reply.

He remains silent and I enter the room the king drags me in. Even I haven't been in this room before but I expected,..more?

Its a stone room like before but this one seems as if its stronger, like the strongest or smartest person in the world couldn't escape.

Huge stone blocks come out of the wall, going straight down and into the ground. Thick metal chains smelling of something awful are attached, the chains pulls tight and I finally notice a man between the chains.

His muscled arms spread straight out and his legs chained to the ground, his head hung and he sways slightly.

I see a knife sticking into his right hand, coming out the other side and nobody makes any move to get it out. His black trousers remaining on while his top half remains naked. Tribal tattoos wrap around his biceps, having different meanings and some looking similar to mine. His tight eight pack having a few deep gashes on, not looking to be healing.

Strange. He doesn't smell human.

He smells like..coconut and lemon?

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