chapter 12

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~ Chapter 12 ~

Kenneth McCain POV

Im almost 100% sure my plan is working, slowly the pack are starting to trust me. Theyve picked up on my way of fighting and seem to be taking more of a liking to me. They even take orders from me.

I didn't expect them to give me their names but when I asked they didn't think twice about it, confirming my suspicions about them seeing me as their alpha.

I couldn't drag my mate into this. No matter how much she disgusts me I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I actually think she's starting to like me. Soon I'll be mated to her, although some of her scars make me sick.

If she's going to be my Luna then she needs to cover them. I can't have my pack thinking bad things about me.

Cadell seems to have warmed up to me and soon my plan will be set in motion.

Very soon.

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