You Ruined the Fight!=(

Start from the beginning

"So they want a fight like I thought." Zoro grinned as he slid his swords from there sheaths.

"Wait!" The first Strange and Stupid ma- "Will you stop narrating however you want?!" The man yelled at D who shrugged before ducking out of sight and appearing behind Robyn and Nami.

"I wonder who that mysterious and very attractive narrator person went." D said aloud making all eyes move to his new position. "What?"

"Our purpose here is to challenge the Strawhat Pirates to a game of Davy Back Fight." The first pirate announced, though he was visibly cringing waiting to hear some mean narration.

"Davy Back Fight?" Zoro was confused. "So you do want to fight."

"Hold on." Sanji stepped forward. "I kinda remember what it is. It isn't a simple fight."

"He's right." Robyn nodded. "It is a pirate game used since long ago to aquire -" before she could finish her explaining D suddenly shouted.

"Hurray!" He began running in circles screaming. "Davy Back! Davy Back! Davy Back! I haven't seen old Davy in so long!"

"He's excited." Nami pointed out as Robin continued her explanation. "Wonder what he means by seeing Davy?"

"We'll that's also one of the legends." Robin explained. "Apparently if the fight is doubted a ghost appears and takes the offender. It's why the rules are followed without fail."

"And what are the rules?" Sanji asked as D ran through their group again still cheering.

"We'll the first is that the games can not begin unless the captains of all crews invovled agree. The signal for that is when both captains fire shots into the air from pistols meant only for the game."

"It's a good thing Luffy's doesn't have an interest in guns." Nami sighed in relief. She really didn't want to fight these guys. And she doubted D would get involved. "He'll never fire a gun."

As if her words had been a signal the shots were heard from the direction Luffy and the others had ran off to. Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and Robyn all looked at each other. It seemed they're was no way out of this now.

"Ow!" Luffy cried out in pain as Nami smacked him again. "Why do you keep hitting me?"

"You know perfectly why!" Nami yelled as she smacked him again. "How could you get us into this mess?!"

"He said if I wanted to get the old man his horse back I'd have to accept his challenge to the Wavy What Fight." Luffy explained only to be smacked again. "Ow?!"

"One. It's Davy Back Fight! Two. Why do we have to help a stranger? Three. If we lose then we'll lose our friends!" Nami screamed, smacking him with each number.

"Then we just won't lose." Luffy shrugged causing Nami to scream in frustration. "Where's D?"

"He's running around the island cheering about how he's going to see Davy. He's made a couple passes since you got back." Sanji explained as he watched the Foxy Pirates set up stands for food and toys. It was quite an impressive sight even if it was just the two crews present. "Oh wait. He's right there." He pointed at one of the stands where D could be seen bartering with a stall tender.

"I'm telling you." D's voice suddenly rose. "My fingers are worth they're weight in gold!"

"Is he really selling body parts?" Zoro shivered at the thought. While D had done strange things and almost anything could be expected it still wasn't a pleasant thought.

Suddenly Robyn was standing beside him. "Is there any other parts of you for sale?" She asked causing the crew to slip and fall to the ground.

Nami was the first to recover. "Anyways." She turned on Luffy who paled at her anger. "We better not lose. I don't know what I'd do if they decided to take me away!"

"What are you talking about?" Ussop scoffed. "They'll definitely pick me for my skills as an inventor."

"Obviously they'll want a skilled doctor like myself." Chopper joined the argument.

"Are they really arguing about who will be taken from the crew if we lose?" Zoro turned to ask Sanji but the idiot cook had caught sight of a group of cute girls.

"I hope they take me!" Sanji swooned his eyes shaped like hearts.

"Idiot." Zoro growled as he scanned the crew of the Foxy Pirates. He wanted to figure out who would be chosen for each of the challenges.

"Who's the idiot?" D asked suddenly looking at him from over his shoulder.

"Gah?!" Zoro cried out surprised and fell off the crate he was sitting on.

"We'll someone's jumpy." D huffed as he pulled some sweet buns out of his cloak.

"You managed to buy something?" Zoro noticed D still had all his fingers. Not that he couldn't just grow them back.

"Nah." D stuffed his face. "Took these while he was distracted."

"You really stole from pirates were about to fight?"

"Why not?" D shrugged. "I'm not worried. I know you guys will win and the Foxy Pirates will give there loyalty to you."

"What do you mean by give there loyalty to us?" Nami asked taking one of the sweet buns.

"I mean what I said." D pulled some more sweet buns out. "It's obvious that you guys as the victor would gain there loyalty. That way you would have allies to call on in tines of need. It's a little early for gaining allies but if Luffy wants to be King of the Pirates he'll need supporters."

"That's not how Davy Back Fight works." Nami said but she sounded unsure. "Winner picks a crew member or an item as their prize. It's a way to gain strong members from other crews."

"What?!" D shouted and wind blew from him making the nearest stands fall over. "How could Davy Back Fight be used for something so horrible?!"

"That isn't the original purpose?" Robyn asked surprised. For some reason the Strawhats were the only ones not affected by the wind.

"It isn't." D growled as the wind died down. "I won't let this fight happen. This honorable battle has been disgraced."

"Don't mess with my fight." Luffy suddenly spoke up.

Everyone watched in surprise as D and Luffy moved towards each other. "This goes beyond you Luffy." D spoke coldly. None of them had ever seen D use that tone with any of them before.

"I won't lose." Luffy stated as D seemed to grow taller. "This is my fight."

"This fight was never meant to be." D waved his hand and Luffy hissed as his mark suddenly glowed red.

"Luffy back down!" Nami begged. She had a bad feeling about this.

But the two ignored her. Luffy was clearly in pain but hadn't made a single sound since the mark had begun burning. D now seemed to tower over him the air curling and twisting around him. The two shifted and the feeling of a fight filled the air.

"Hahahahaha!" D suddenly burst into laughter and everything was back to normal. "I'd expect nothing less of the man chosen to fulfill my will!"

"I don't know what your talking about." Luffy's arm now had steam coming off it. He was also looking at it strangely. "I'm doing whatever I want."

None of the others knew what he was talking about either. His will? What was that? But Robyn had her suspicions. It wasn't the first time that the Will of D had come up in her life.

"Make sure you win Luffy." D laughed before going cold again. "Or else it's back to training."

Luffy gulped and nodded. "I said I'd win. No matter what."

At that moment Foxy the captain of the Foxy Pirates came up to jeer at them. Before he could say a word D stormed up to him. "You've ruined the fight. After today things will never be the same for you." And then D left.

"What's her problem?" Foxy huffed.

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And there you go. And sorry for those waiting for D to be a guy again. It's coming. Just not yet.

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