3. Hail and snow

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The lectures started on Monday morning and they spent the Sunday evening unpacking and walking around the grounds to get a small map of the place into their minds but the next day Taeil needed to use a university flyer to lead them to the first class.

Jae hoped it will be all calm but to his horror he saw Kun waiting in the crowd right behind the door. The boy looked at them as if they were very disgusting rainworms and turned to Sicheng sending him his best smile. Sicheng was the only person Kun respected and liked and who he could never hurt or harm, but the rest needed to be super careful with him. Taeil and Jae remembered all to painfully how Kun got Taeil expelled from high school last year when he copied his essay and accused him of plagiarism, and when he sneaked to Jae's house and sent photos of him and Taeyong kissing to the record company, but Sicheng shouted a loud "Kun-go!" and ran to hug the boy while Taeil's face said it all.

It was Sicheng's money that made it possible for Kun to study as Taeil got the scholarship for the outstanding student at the end of senior year.

But all Jae's thoughts faded when someone tapped his shoulder and he turned around to spot Ten, the cheerful boy who sent him a bright smile.

"Landed five hours ago, hope I can sleep during the lecture," Ten yawned and Jae giggled.

Ten wanted to say something more but Sicheng screamed his name and ran to hug him the same way he did to Jae and Taeil yesterday.

"Are you living in the dorm?" asked Taeil when Sicheng let go of the boy.

"Nah, I heard there are cockroaches in buildings F and D," said Ten. "Besides the old couple that rents me the room is pretty nice, they treat me like a son," he smiled wide.

"Cockroaches," said Taeil becoming even more pale. "If I see a single one I swear I'm moving out right away."

The teacher came hurrying to them and some papers he was carrying were flying behind him, and Kun ran to collect them sending the man a very fake smile, while the three friends glanced at each other because Sicheng was way to busy revising the weather words he had learnt quietly.

"Hail, cloud, mist, humid," he muttered under his breath.

"Yes, hail's coming," whispered Ten glancing left and Jae turned his head to see the last person he wanted to see.

Yuta was walking to them nonchalantly, his hair brown and fluffy, his clothes on point and his smile wide, he was holding Lauren's hand and the girl was telling him something he was barely listening too.

"Morning losers!" he shouted noticing them and Jae clenched his teeth.

Yuta was the one person he wished would disappear from his life one day but the happy day wasn't now.

Years of never ending bulling since kindergarten were way too much, but Lauren waved to them and smiled bright.

"Hello Jae, did you have a nice holiday?" she asked when they came closer. "Oh Taeil," her face became very red when she noticed the boy and Taeil took a quickened breath.

He said he was way over his crush on Lauren but each time he saw her he still tensed and became a little pale, and Jae knew she still made an impact on him.

"Oh hi Ten, Sicheng," said Laurun.

At the last name Yuta tensed and let go of her hand.

"Hail, cloud, mist, humid, s-s-s... ah, snow," stuttered Sicheng smiling wide. "Jae snow, (xue) 雪, right?" he asked shaking his arm.

"Yes yes," said Jae while Yuta fixed his hair and walked to Sicheng.

"Hi," he muttered taking in the air as sharp as Taeil had done with Lauren.

"Yuta," Lauren became upset.

"Be quiet there," Yuta never bothered to turn around, his eyes glittered when he stopped next to Sicheng and Jae moved a little between them.

On no account he would let Yuta get Sicheng.

"Snow, right?" Sicheng looked at Yuta.

"Do you want some snow my love?" asked the boy.

"Yuta!" Lauren grabbed the back of his clothes and tried to pull him from Sicheng.

"I guess no snow could still my fire when I look into these dark eyes," Yuta threw a questionable pick up line and his girlfriend hit his back with her fist.

"Lauren wait Yuta," said Sicheng coldly and Yuta's face fell while Jae, Ten and Taeil laughed loud.

"You heafd him leave," Jae moved between Yuta and the boy towering over both.

"Will see you later beautiful," Yuta glanced at Sicheng hopelessly and walked behind Lauren into class.

Jae was still giggling helplessly when he took place at the back of the room and took his pen and notebook out. Five rows lower Yuta was sitting next to Lauren with his head back and glancing at Sicheng who jumped on the free stop next to Jae and looked a little pale.

"Don't woffy, we'll pfotect you ffom him," said Jae rubbing his skinny arm, Sicheng nodded but was still sad and he was staring at his desk stubbornly.

Taeil moved on the spot next to him and took a lot of books out of his backpack.

"Why have you got books the subject hasn't stafted yet?" asked a confused Jae.

"Oh the list of lectures for the subject was on the school website, I had read them all just in case," Taeil sighed. "I hope it will help me pass somehow at the end of the year."

Jae giggled, Taeil was the most intelligent and most hard working student he has ever met he knew only one person who could learn with that passion, Doyoung.

The image of his friend in his mind hurt something deep inside him, while he tried to tell himself it's part of growing up but it didn't help it simply wasn't the same without Doyoung.

But he was woken up from his sad thoughts by Ten who slammed his backpack on the desk next to him.

"Hey who's that?" he asked pointing through the room.

Jae turned around and caught a sight of bushy curly brown hair of a foreign looking girl.

"No idea," he muttered. "Maybe Laufen knows hef," he added.

"Can you aks her about it?" said Ten glancing towards to the girl who took a pair of glasses out of a box and put them on leaning over her papers.

"Ok," muttered Jae.

He looked towards the girl and in this moment she turned around and caught his glance, she smiled to him and turned to her book, and Jae focused at the teacher quickly.

He looked towards the girl and in this moment she turned around and caught his glance, she smiled to him and turned to her book, and Jae focused at the teacher quickly

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Hi, thank you so much for your amazing support and 100 stars 💕 also thank you for the amazing 10K votes on part 1 of this book ❤️

What do you think about the chapter, the boys meeting the people they know way too good and discovering some new?

Much <3

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