10. Missing you

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Jae feel on his bed completely exhausted. It was 1 a.m. and the day seemed endless. He had spent the last few hours helping Lauren to move into Kun's room and arguing with Kun who was ready to sleep at point 11 p.m. and if it hadn't been for Sicheng bagging him to reason Lauren would have really spent the night in the alley.

Jae's phone screen lit up and he sat up in bed putting a pillow under his back.

Taeil was out he said he needed some time alone and Sicheng was in the bath, and Jae shivered when he pressed the video conversation, all his insides twisting when he saw Taeyong's face.

The boy looked a litte tired but had a bright smile. He was sitting in bed in a hotel room dressed in a white t-shirt that composed with the white sheets and pillows aroun him. He waved to Jae and Jae smiled.

"Hello, baby," Taeyong moved his phone close to his face and Jae noticed that he was wearing glasses as his sight wasn't that good, and lenses at this late hour were uncomfortable.

"Hi," Jae blushed.

"So how are you? University you're so grown up now," Taeyong giggled.

"Ach univefsity," Jae groaned.

The replay of the day flashed before his eyes and he rubbed his forehead.

"Is everything ok?" asked Taeyong.

"Oh yes," said Jae and couldn't hide his sarcasm. "Actually no not ok," he shook his head. "Ten has a giflffiend, Laufen kissed Taeil and moved to Kun tonight and befofe out ffom Yuta, and Yuta slammed hef against a wall today, and I guess she's huft but don't want to go to the doctof, oh and Yuta kissed Sicheng and you and Doyoung afen't hefe and evefything is falling into pieces, and I'm so fed up!" shouted Jae.

Taeyong needed a few seconds to process all this news.

"Volcano Jae calm down and tell me everything one by one," he said and Jae took a breath.

He talked quietly so Sicheng won't hear him, but the shower was running and he hoped the boy won't eavesdrop this piece of the conversation, when he talked about everything, from them moving in, to the crazy time when he carried Lauren's suitcase into Kun's room an hour ago.

"Wow," whispered Taeyong when Jae finished. "I must talk to Yuta," he said.

"But not now," said a scared Jae.

"Of course not now, after our call I'll wake him up and tell him off. This is way too much," Taeyong seemed angry.

For the first time Jae saw him being angry with his best friend because somehow despite Yuta hating Jae and his friends Taeyong managed to keep a great relation with both sides.

Jae never understood the reason of this friendship but he was so fed up of the crazy four-angle Yuta, Lauren, Sicheng and Taeil that he really wished to forget them all.

"And what was on the contract Kun has brought," asked Taeyong.

Jae told him the paragraphs he remembered and both giggled.

"Kun is so bad, I think the girl won't stand it for long," laughed Taeyong.

"But whefe should she go?" asked Jae.

"She can get your bed after I'll come back," Taeyong raised his brow.

"Why is that?" asked Jae.

"You're moving in with me," the boy smiled.

"Oh," Jae blushed.

He got the offer from Taeyong last June in a letter but he hasn't made up his mind yet. Maybe Taeil was right about not crossing borders too quickly and not jumping head over heels into the adult life. Jae was very scared it could ruin their relationship, what if they won't be able to get along and spent the days arguing over silly things like dirty socks on the bathroom floor or that the line Jae had folded his clothes is not straight enough.

Jae knew Taeyong was strongly OCD and he couldn't imagine that his messy personality would break into the unbelievable sterile perfection of Taeyong's penthouse flat.

"Jae?" asked Taeyong when the silence continued.

"My dofm is ok, Sicheng made a fedecofation of the foom we live in, look it's nice," Jae turned the phone and slid it around the room.

Taeyong's face was sadder when he turned at the screen back.

"I thought..." whispered Taeyong.

"Oh... I'm still thinking about it," Jae lowered his head.

"I would like a decision when I come back," Taeyong's voice became a little harsh and Jae's stomach turned unpleasantly.

"Ok," he muttered.

He had four more weeks to make up his mind.

"So how afe you?" he said.

"Ok, the concert was so great, the stadium wanted two additional songs and I really wished to stay there forever," Taeyong's eyes glittered.

"That's nice," whispered Jae.

"But it would have been perfect if you had been there with me singing to 'Track 12'," whispered Taeyong.

Jae blushed, their collaboration hit single was the reason they had kissed for the first time and he loved the song so much.

"Can you tell me about youf day?" asked Jae who loved to simply listen to Taeyong talking about the simplest things, because then he could watch him without being caught as Taeyong talked a lot and got very excited during it.

"Oh I woke up at 5, this was a bit bad, but Billy forced some breakfast into me, and we took the van to a local radio for a morning show," Taeyong started and Jae leaned on his pillow, imagining how much he would like to be in this pretty hotel room under Taeyong's duvet and cuddle to him in his favorite position, he could even remember the heat of his body and his smell and he moved his finger to the phone and caressed the screen, but moved it back quickly blushing hard.

"And dinner was very small... oh. I miss you so much, wish you'd be here," Taeyong stretched his hand out and moved his finger over the screen and Jae laid his to his.

That was all they have had all summer and Jae felt he's burning for Taeyong's real touch, but in this moment Sicheng walked out of the bathroom dripping water from his pink hair on the carpet and sending Jae a very faint smile.

"Sicheng is hefe, I guess he needs to sleep aftef this long day," whispered Jae while Sicheng shouted a happy "Hi Taeyong!"

"Hi Sicheng."

Jae turned the phone around and Taeyong waved to the boy through the screen.

Jae concentrated on Taeyong's face and thought about using headphones for a late late night conversation, but Sicheng crushed on his bed and laid down with such a tired and pale face that Jae had no heart to whisper through the room for the next hours.

"You also need to sleep Jae, it will be ok, I'll be back soon, and I'll call Yuta now, he will hear something," said Taeyong.

On the sound of Yuta's name a shiver ran through Sichneg's body and Jae shook his head.

"Good night my Jae,' Taeyong waved and sent an air kiss towards him.

"Goodbye my love," whispered Jae and in this moment the phone screen became black.

"Goodbye my love," whispered Jae and in this moment the phone screen became black

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