38. Midterm dance

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Jae was so happy he tried to revise to the exams, but he couldn't focus, he knew he will fail so badly, still it was all way not in his world. He was addicted to Taeyong's body and the pleasure. They were both pretty tired after nights and nights of making love but unable to stop and Jae was daydreaming about it all the time while Doyoung told him off and tried to get him to study. It was three days to the ball and Jae heard Lauren wasn't going, he even considered to ask Sicheng to ask Kun to ask her out, but he decided to not to get into their business. Jae was walking towards the library building when Hasnol's roommate crossed his way so he sighed.

"Hi," muttered the awkward guy.

"Hi," Jae was so fed up with this strange person, he hasn't forgotten how he needed to pay the boy's from his old floor to get him out of his bath.

"Listen can you go to the ball with me?" asked the guy and Jae stopped walking.

"What?" he asked in shock.

"You're rich and famous I can give you my dignity," the boy crossed his hands and eyed him up as if he was ready to beat him up in case of a rejection.

"Youf cfazy," laughed Jae and walked past him.

"Why not!" the guy ran after him.

"I'm going with my boyffiend," said Jae and he sounded so proud.

"Oh yes sure, famous rapper even more rich and famous, go ahead!" the guy stopped and started to throw a lot o swearwords behind Jae who ignored him. He decided to laugh about the situation and he took a shortcut around the dance classes to the library to get rid of the guy. He walked into one of the long stony corridors when he saw Lauren.

She was walking with her head down and seemed very sad. Jae wanted to go and talk to her but in this moment Taeil appeared from the other side of the corridor and went straight to Lauren, so Jae stopped next to a wall and observed them.

"Lauren," Taeil approached the girl, she lifted her head and smiled.

"Hi," she said and her cheeks burned.

Taeil glanced left and right he rubbed his hair.

"I... hi," he said.

"Yes hi," Lauren smiled again.

"I... Lauren..." Taeil stuttered and Jae giggled how hard was it to ask someone out for the ball.

"Yes?" Lauren asked with hope.

"Would you go with me to the ball?" asked Taeil shyly.

"Oh!" Lauren covered her mouth and Taeil lowered his head.

"I knew you don't want..." he muttered.

But Lauren grabbed his face in her little hands and pressed her lips to his. Jae felt his stomach twisting, was it really here, the moment Teail has been waiting for for so many years.

Lauren parted their lips and Taeil grabbed her waist pulling her closer again.

"Do you?" he stuttered but they kissed so madly they couldn't get out words and Jae smiled.

"Yes, yes," whispered Lauren between kisses, Jae saw how she grabbed Taeil's hand and pulled him behind her the shortest way towards building A and Jae could imagine how they will end so he shook his head. He really hoped Lauren is over Yuta now and won't break Taeil's heart but there was nothing to stop this passion, and Jae wondered how it will go on with these two when he walked to the library.

The evening of the ball came quick, Jae has seen Taeil and Lauren a lot in corridors. They were kissing and cuddling all the time, however Yuta made strange faces each time he passed them, yet he covered it from Sicheng and the boy had no idea Yuta was upset about Lauren being in a new relationship. Jae had all the newest info from Doyoung who talked with Taeil and found out Taeil was the happiest ever, head over heels in love unable to see anything beside Lauren, but Doyoung also had his doubts.

So during this special evening everyone was in the university main hall, a very old beautiful ballroom with sculptures and frescoes on the walls. The smooth music was turing the space into a real fairy tale land. Jae came early assisted by Taeyong. Both wore fancy suits and were constantly smiling to each other, but then Jae saw Yuta and Sicheng who were standing at the snack table talking, yet Yuta's eyes were scanning the room all the time.

Jae tried to ignore the fury it woke up inside him, he reached the dance floor where he smiled wide noticing Ten and Rachel, who were as always occupying this place. Doyoung, as he had announced weeks ago, decided to stay at home and learn, so Jae was sad his friend is skipping stuff. Kun was with a pretty girl but seemed bored, while Johnny and Hansol flirted with each female that crossed their way making their partners furious.

Soon Lauren entered the room with Taeil and Jae caught jealous glances from the other girls towards her, but Yuta was suddenly not himself anymore. He made some awkward moves leaving Sicheng at the table them running towards the restrooms.

Lauren looked like the queen of the ball in her blue fairy dress with the tight up dark hair and a wide smile, and Taeil seemed like in a dream, his gaze was blurry, it seemed somewhere else as he only had eyes for the girl, when he led her to the table, took out the chair for her. He acted like a pure gentleman running around the room for champagne and snacks for her, taking care of her purse and opening all doors for her. Still there was something in her eyes, that made Jae a little sick, the way her gaze wondered through the room from time to time, once he caught her staring straight at Yuta with so much longing and regret he wanted to walk to her and tell her off.

"Leave them," whispered Taeyong. "She must decide for herself," he added.

"But Taeil will be heafbfoken again," said Jae.

"I thought he's not your friend anymore," said Taeyong.

"I know," Jae swallowed.

"Come and dance," Taeyong didn't seem to bother when he took his hands and pulled him to the dance floor.

"Come and dance," Taeyong didn't seem to bother when he took his hands and pulled him to the dance floor

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So what do you think about Teil and Lauren, Yuta and Winwin, will Yuta spoil it all between them?

Much <3

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