54. I'll drown with you

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Mr. Dong was so happy he even made Jae to win the golf match and they spent the whole evening with his lawyers and managers discussing the plan. Jae as very tired when he reached his room way after midnight. He had showered and laid down when he heard the door crackling. Soon something warm touch him and he smiled when Sicheng moved under his duvet and cuddled to him. Jae turned and kissed the boy's forehead and lips and he felt the boy cuddled into the crack of his neck.

"Good night," he whispered.

"Jae great idea. We partners, life and business," Sicheng smiled and Jae caressed his pink hair.

Sicheng yawned and cuddled closer into him and soon his breath became steady. Jae played with his hair strings suddenly unable to sleep.

Was it the adult life, a new path where he will start his own company with his lover and partner, suddenly there was a plan and a future ahead but there was no place for Taeyong in it.

Jae spent a week in Sicheng's castle working with Mr. Dong and his people soon the whole plan was ready and he took a plane home. Sicheng wanted to stay with Minju for a few more days and they said goodbye at the airport. Mr. Dong's assistant went with Jae to the Art School when he returned and they discussed the matter with headmaster Johnson who was very surprised but happy. They got three rooms a studio, a changing room and a practice room for the start and Jae was so happy when a few days later Sicheng returned and showed him the printed out cards with their names on it. Mr. Dong's people helped Jae to get out of his deal with DL Records and he was sad but happy from the other hand.

It was a month after they officially created the record company and Jae had a lot of songs recorded from the Art School students. Without Jae and Sicheng the band was cancelled so Donghyuck was recording his solo stuff with Jae and Miss Hillary since weeks. Doyoung was skeptical but he made a demo and Ten hoped they will find a place for him there but Jae wanted to start big. He had a song he had written some time ago but it wasn't ready. He also visited Mark's house one afternoon.

Mark's mom opened and let him inside where he waited for the boy in the living room.

"Jae, how are you?" asked Mark who came inside.

He had a lot on his head with school and a career and Jae shivered.

"Ym, I came to talk about a fecofd deal," he said and Mark blinked a few times. "Me and Sicheng made ouf own company with the Aft School, and if you like you can join us," said Jae.

Mark went pale, he sat back and swallowed, Jae waited, he knew the boy had a lot to think about.

"Man I have a secure career where I am, and you gusy have nothing so far," he said.

"I know, and I know it's an insane decision I'm asking you about, we need a staf to staft, I'm completely honest with you, it can become gfeat of go all wfong, I'm as unsufe as you, but I believe with you we have a chance," he said.

"Wow!" said Mark looking at the long curtains behind Jae. "Wow, but why me, you can promote yourself, or Scheng, or Doyoung, you can even ask Taeil or Taeyong," said Mark.

"I don't have a lot of fans now, I need to staft ffom the beginning on my cafeef," said Jae. "Doyoung is gfeat but he's not the solo aftist, Sicheng can dance but isn't a fappef of a singef, and Taeil and Taeyong won't leave DL Fecofds no way," Jae shook hie head. "And you'fe unhappy with the label youf in. Youf one of the most talented people I know, and you want to have an oppoftunity to show youf own ting, becuse even David Jacksonville had told me once he would take if you came to him," said Jae.

Mark opened his mouth and closed it again. He has probably never dreamed that he has that many opportunities.

"Jae, it's... wow man... let's say I'll risk my life for you, if we drown we'll drown together," he stretched his hand out and Jae smiled wide when he shook it.

 let's say I'll risk my life for you, if we drown we'll drown together," he stretched his hand out and Jae smiled wide when he shook it

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So what do you think about Jae convincing Mark to join him? Is he slowly missing Taeyong?

Much <3

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