69. Yuta hurt Sicheng

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"Mafk, you will do amaizng, I believe in you," Jae came to the boy and laid his hand on his arm.

"Thanks man," Mark swallowed.

They looked at each other, Mark still uncertain, but Jae knew the moment the lights will go on the boy will turn into a stage monster and rock the house.

"You will do great too man," muttered Mark and Jae's stomach twisted, why was he forgetting his performance all the time.

The crowd slowly filled the place and Jae went up to see this amazing thing he did with Sicheng and Mark, and Taeyong, he shivered remembering the last one. Sicheng wasn't backstage, so Jae decided to talk to him before it starts. He ran to the vip section, where Sicheng was next to the sound engineer but there was someone waiting for the boy, and Jae had no idea how he's got behind the security. Sicheng turned around, his face became pale when he noticed Yuta.

The boy smiled and stopped right in front of him while Jae was in such a distance that he could hear them.

"Hi," muttered Yuta, his cheeks became red.

"Yuta vefy bad, no here, no spoil nice day," said Sicheng.

"I know, I came to apologize. I did so many bad things, but the thing is I love you. I would do everything to get you back," Yuta lowered his head.

Sicheng inhaled sharply.

"Yuta hurt Sicheng," he said.

"Sicheng hurt Yuta too, when he was with Jae," whispered the boy and Sicheng became very red.

"Yuta care?" he asked.

"Of course I care, I was crying days and nights, but when you left to China it was torture, I thought I'll never see you again, I thought you hate me, please give me one more chance!" Yuta begged.

Sicheng looked over to Jae questioningly and Jae hesitated a moment before he nodded.

He wasn't sure what Yuta will do, but he had seen him so happy with Sicheng, and so broken after the break up as never before, so he believed Sicheng was Yuta's real love.

"Ok, can try," Sicheng raised his head higher and blinked to Jae while Yuta was standing with his head down like a beaten up dog.

Jae smiled to himself when he turned around leaving these tow, they had a lot to discuss. He walked backstage and stayed with Mark till the right time. Taeil who was the MC walked out and warmed the crowd out while Mark was breathing in a out right next to Jae.

"Welcome the youngest rap-star of our generation, this is the only, incredible, 'absolutely fully capable', Mark Lee!" said Taeil and Mark took one more deep breath before he ran on stage. He grabbed the microphone from Taeil and the beat started, the lights went on and Jae crossed his fingers, he felt his heart hammering, but Mark started the song and the crowd went wild, the noise was so huge Jae smiled wide. Taeil ran to him tapping his shoulder.

"He will make it," he said.

"I know," Jae grinned.

They walked around the stage to see how Mark danced a crazy routine with the dancers, four boys from the Art School, the youngest was the talented Jisung.

Mark's rap was smooth and he really was equal with Taeyong he had learnd from, and fancied. Jae shivered because Mark reminded him of the one he missed so much, loved so much. But he decided to let it go, love was an amazing thing, but maybe it wasn't for him. Maybe one day Taeyong will be happy again with someone else and Jae froze.

Taeil took his phone and smiled wide.

"Will be back soon, Mark will introduce you," the boy turned around and walked behind the bodyguard into the crowd of fans leaving Jae shocked.

Why were they all suddenly so busy one by one, Doyoung with the luggage, Sicheng with Yuta and Taeil with something mysterious. Only Ten was bouncing to the beat next to the nearest security.

Jae walked backstage, he was more and more nervous, each song Mark was finishing made him closer to his performance, and soon, way to soon the moment was there.

"Meet my boss!" Mark grinned. "Give a huge applause for the reason why I'm here tonight, because he's not ony an amazing company boss but also a talented singer, so I hope you will all support him and his single 'Me'. Here's Jaehyun!" Mark applauded while he tried to catch his breath and Jee felt his legs are giving in when he walked into the bright light and the crowd welcomed him with a insane noise.

"Thank you," he muttered taking the microphone an assistant gave him.

Mark ran backstage to change and the lights went to very bright ones, Jae went to the stand, put the microphone in, while the DJ plaid his song. Jae glanced around the audience and noticed Sicheng who was standing in a vip section and smiling wide while he was holding Yuta's hand, moments later Yuta cuddled his face into Sicheng's neck and the boy's eyes lit up. In the main audience in front of the stage in a free place between the fangirls was Taeil, and Jae smiled wide noticing Lauren, who was glued to the boy while they were kissing without a moment for a breath.

Jae started to sing and Taeil and Lauren turned to him waving and giving him thumbs up.

'Vefy good,

that's how I feel tonight

You will see me as I am

But it's fight, so fight,'

No one was laughing, to Jae's surprise all the fans chanted each word with him the way it was pronounced in the song.

No one was laughing, to Jae's surprise all the fans chanted each word with him the way it was pronounced in the song

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback and all the love you give this story.

What do you think about Yuwin's reunion? What is Doyoung so busy with? What will happen at the concert?

Also my new Jaeyong book will be up tomorrow, I'm excited 😊

Much <3

No girls allowed 2 (Jaeyong)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें