5. First kiss

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"What is it?" he asked but Sicheng hiccoughed in a sweet way and emptied the glass.

"What is it!" Jae grabbed the bartenders hand and the man tried to shake him off.

"Whiskey," he muttered. "Want some? Need to see your ID before," said the man.

"What?" asked Jae. "You'fe telling me you gave this baby whiskey, look at him!" shouted Jae and several people at the bar looked at him unpleasantly.

"Oh he showed me his ID he's eighteen," said the man.

"Eighteen!" shouted Jae. "I don't cafe if he's eighteen look at him," he grabbed Sicheng and shook the boy who hiccoughed quietly.

The bartender shrugged and walked to a new client and Jae felt he will kick someone.

"Wait hefe, I'll get Taeil fof help," said Jae and left Sicheng running through the club but Taeil wasn't there anymore, in the spot he had danced moments ago, there were only Ten and Rachel but they seemed in their own world and Jae looked around trying to find his friend but when he turned to the bar Sicheng's place was empty.

All hair raised on Jae's body and he sprinted to the bar.

"Whefe is he, the boy you gave whiskey to!" shouted Jae.

"Gone," said the bartender giggling.

"How gone, alone?" Jae was sweaty.

"No," the guy shook his head.

"With who?" asked Jae who was ready to jump behind the bar and pass the guy a pair of blue eyes and the bartender stopped smiling.

"A guy," he said.

"What guy, talk!" Jae hit his fist on the counter.

"Oh, tall, skinny, brown hair, leather jacket, earrings in both ears, looked a little gay if you ask me, I also think he's Japanese," said the man and Jae breathed in sharply.

"Yuta!" he swore the name and ran out of the bar.

The night was bright as the moon was out, it was cold as fall was approaching.

Some drunk girls were walking down the alley and silhouettes were disappearing to the dorms.

Jae glanced left an right but the people he was looking for were nowhere to see.

He ran down a alley and then he saw Hansol who was standing on a handrail of a bench, singing a very obscene poem while three girls giggled at each word and a very happy Johnny was sitting right next to them.

"Johnny! Hansol!" shouted Jae and Johnny's face fell.

"No, don't listen to him," he begged the girls jumping up.

"Whefe's Yuta!" demanded Jae stopping next to them.

Johnny glanced to Hansol who finally shut up.

"Oh Yuta" he said. "Took the deer to your dorm," he giggled.

Jae inhaled sharply, he left them and ran towards the building.

He was taking two steps at once and was completely out of breath when he reach the third floor. The lights were down in the building, only a few yellow lamps glowing in the dusk, and Jae stopped catching his breath, and then he saw two figures right next to their door. The dim light revealed their features and Jae froze in horror. Yuta's hands were in the pink hair strings while his lips moved up and down Sicheng's face when he swallowed his huge lips in a very willing kiss. The boy was too shocked to react or move, while he was pressed to the wall and the tapestry behind him was slowly giving in.

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