4. Rachel

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"This wasn't so bad, I thought the level is higher to be honest," said Taeil when they were walking through the lawn back to the dorm after a long day and Jae never wanted anything more than a little nap, and a phone call with Taeyong, but Taeyong was probably asleep now as where he was it was 3 a.m.

In a month he'll be here, first October and he'll be in my arms - said Jae's mind and he wished for the days to fly faster.

He was about to get into the dorm when he looked towards the grounds and noticed the girl with bushy hair talking to Johnny. The conversation seemed too nice and Jae turned to his friends.

"I'll be back latef," he muttered and before they could ask questions he hurried through the grass to the couple.

"Hi Johnny," he said stopping next them and the boy turned around.

Johnny's face fell.

"Do I kwon you?" he asked.

"Oh Johnny old pfankstef we'fe classmates ffom high school," explained Jae glancing at the girl.

She was wearing all black but had a lot of nice jewelry and long earrings. Her dark eyes scanned his face. She also wore a whole make up and a carmine-red lipstick.

"I'm Jae," Jae stretched his hand out.

"Rachel," she said shaking his hand. "Hey aren't you the boy who sings 'Little love affair'? I love the song I'm always listening to it in my car," she had a hispanic accent and he smiled bright.

"Yes that's me, and my ffiend Taeil," he said.

"Great job, are you kind of a celebrity here?" she asked.

"Him?" Johnny looked like slapped.

"Nah, just a boy who likes to sing," explained Jae getting red.

"Oh you're so humble," she laughed. "Is Johnny your friend?" she turned to the tall boy.

"No, he bullied me and my ffiends since kindefgaften," said Jae and Johnny's jaw dropped.

"Oh," Rachel glanced at Johnny and this time without a smile. "Meet you later," she said walking off and Jae smiled to himself. "Bye Jae," she added before she left.

"You're dead!" shouted Johnny hurrying past Jae the other way.

It was 11 p.m. and the music in the club, down the campus, was loud. The yellow and pink lights walked around the floor, and walls and Jae was ready to go back to his dorm the moment he stepped inside. It was Lauren who had invited them to the first party that was a celebration of the start of the academic year and Jae saw a lot of people moving on the dance floor, and even more at the bar, and hiding in dark corners. Taeil and Sicheng walked to the floor to dance with Ten while he turned towards the bar. He wasn't in a mood for a party, not if Taeyong wasn't here. The kissing couples around him reminded him how much his body longed for kissing and he avoided being close to any. He turned around to see Yuta dressed in a leather jacket to tight jeans, who entered the club eying the floor up and Jae's anger raised. Lauren wasn't here and Yuta looked like if he came to flirt. The boy was so mad he decided to go to Yuta but when he walked through the room someone crossed his way and he recognized the red lipstick and bushy hair.

"Hi Fachel," he said and she giggled.

"Good that you're famous for not pronouncing 'r'," she said and Jae didn't know what to think. "But it's cute," she assured.

"Yhym," he said not sure what to talk about.

"So are you enjoying the party?" she asked.

"Not so much," he said honestly.

"Me neither, I have no friends here, came from Mexico last month and I'm still adjusting. I'm a painter," she added. "Here, it's my recent work," she lit her phone up showing him a photo of a interesting painting in a new age style and he nodded.

She was talented.

"Anyway I'm probably waisting your time, but you're the only person I know besides... this Johnny guy," she rubbed her forehead. "But I'ver heard he and this other guy..."

"Hansol?" asked Jae.

"Yes him, they laid down half of the girls on my floor, so, yes I rather not join this crowd," she said.

Jae nodded, how were this two so successful in getting girls he could never know, there was nothing nice or special about them.

"So I want to thank you for rescuing me from a big mistake today," she said and Jae smiled.

"Pleasufe all mine," he said.

But in this moment Rachel looked behind him and narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, and who is he, he's such a great dancer?" she asked and Jae turned around.

The people were moving on the floor and he noticed that Taeil made strange dances but right next to him Ten caught all attention free styling in a way that made all girls circle around him.

"Which one?" asked Jae.

"Dark hair, sick dance moves, a blue shirt it's a little worn but I reckon it's his style," said the girl.

"Oh Ten, he's my ffiend," said Jae smiling wide. "Can intfoduce you to him," he said.

"Thanks I'd rather do it myself," Rachel smiled wider. "Is he a good guy, you know what I mean?" she asked.

"Oh yes, he is, but he likes dancing mofe than gifls," said Jae.

"Maybe someone can change that, have a nice night," Rachel fixed her black dress and threw the bush of curls on her back, she blinked to Jae before she walked onto the steamy dance floor and started to move not far from Ten.

He must have noticed her because they circled closer to each other on the floor and soon he banged into her a little, and started to apologize when she stretched her hand out probably offering him a dance, so moments later they were dancing in a slow way his hands landed on her hips and Jae laughed.

This two didn't need his help anymore, so he scanned the dance floor for his other friends and noticed that Taeil was still doing this awkward movements dancing with himself, but where was Sicheng. Jae walked round the club and then to his horror he saw the boy sitting on a bar chair at the long counter and drinking some golden liquid with huge sips, while he was making strange faces to it. Jae's heart hammered loud when he ran to the bar.

Hi thank you for your support and feedback, I hope you like the story so far

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Hi thank you for your support and feedback, I hope you like the story so far.

What do you think about the chapter? What do you think about Ten and Rachel and Winwin getting drunk?

Much <3

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