51. Dirt

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"What?" asked a shocked Jae.

"You came here for it right?" the boy had fight written on his face.

"Mafk, listen we came to undefstand why," said Jae calmly.

Donghyuck was quiet and Jae knew he wouldn't be so polite.

"Man," Mark let all the air out. "They offered a nice deal ok, I've asked you about them before," he said.

"I know, I'm soffy, I should have checked it but I fofgot, I'm vefy soffy about it," Jae lowered his head.

"Man do you know what situation I'm into?" said Mark his voice raising. "Don't want to be rude but you and Taeyong ignored me and I thought ok so let's try. They told me I'll be the youngest rapper of the generation and how they will promote me. They do but no one ever told me I will need to diss people, do you think I'm happy? I'm so embarrassed man, and they threaten me all the time, I can't say a word. They nearly kicked me out after the awards man, when I apologized to Taeyong. Listen man they aren't a piece of cake, yours are better," Mark had a dark look.

"Mafk, they afen't bettef at all, today they kicked Sicheng out of the band I'm in," said Jae his temper raising.

Donghyuck was looking from one to another in shock.

"You're in a band why?" asked Mark getting pale.

"Because my album didn't sell, so I got a kick to a band, and today Sicheng got a kick ffom this band because... I have no idea why... pfobably because... I stafted something with him and someone found out and..." Jae swallowed.

"Man, stop, stop, to much information at once," said Mark.

"You're dating Sicheng?' asked Donghyuck. "But you and Taeyong..." he said.

"Me and Taeyong wefe ovef long ago," said Jae through clenched teeth.

"Wow, so they're not better at all man," said Mark. "I so wish there would be a successful independent label that would treat us right like our Art School, give us room to grow and get better, not to make mistakes and affairs, and swim in dirt for five minutes of fame," said Mark and Jae shivered.

Something like a distant lamp woke up in him.

"You'fe a genius," he whispered rather more to himself and Mark glanced at him strangely.

"What do you mean?" asked Mark.

"Would you join a label like this?" asked Jae.

"Give me the name and I'm there man," said Mark.

Jae took a breath.

"Jae what's on your mind?" asked Donghyuck.

"I need some time but I'll talk to you abut it soon," he said quietly.

"Boys do you want more cake?" Mark's mom put her head through the door. "Why are you all so sad?" she asked.

"Cake sounds lovely Mfs.," Jae faked a quick smile.

He took a taxi to bring Donghyuck home and was back at university with his head rustling from all the inner noise. He was about to get the lift in building B when a figure in a pajama moved from the first two steps of the staircase and walked to him.

"What?" Jae asked unpleasantly because the boy right next to him was Yuta.

Yuta's eyes were red and cried out and he had his head low.

"Sicheng left," whispered the boy. "He just left."

"Oh, it shouldn't bothef you," said Jae who was hoping the elevator will come quicker.

"Jae I treated him awfully, and I get it. I'm not mad that you banged him it's ok, at lest he had someone who cared for him," said Yuta quietly.

"Afe you dfunk?" asked Jae eyeing him up.

"Ok the truth is I'm super mad, because I'm fucking in love with this boy but I was too stupid to see it and I cheated, and he left me, and started something with you, and I can't blame him, or you. But even if he was with you he was still here, and I could  see him everyday and... and I still had hope," Yuta started to sob and Jae didn't know if he should laugh, slap the boy or leave.

"But what Taeyong did was awful, honestly this was the last thing he could do. How mean is he! I'm his best friend he knows how I feel about Sicheng!" shouted Yuta and the lady at the reception stopped to paint her super long nails into cinnamon yellow.

The elevator came and opened but Jae was to busy to get in. He turned to Yuta.

"What do you mean, what have Taeyong done," he asked slowly.

"Oh you don't know it was him who demanded that the company will kick Sicheng out?" asked Yuta in disbelief.

"Taeyong did what?" asked Jae his jaw started to tremble so it was hard for him to speak.

"After he overheard you talking about your affair with Sicheng to Taeil," said Yuta and Jae nearly fainted, it became dark in front of his eyes. Taeyong had heard that conversation. "...and he went to the CEO and told him it's either him or Sicheng, so of course they took their superstar not a trainee, even if his family is rich," Yuta's voice came from a very far distance. "And now Sicheng left, and Taeyong thinks when he will be gone you will come back to him, he just wanted to part you two, but he also parted me from the love of my life," Yuta grabbed Jae's shirt and started to sob into it and Jae froze.

"Let go!" he pushed the boy away. "Taeyong had told you that?" he asked.

"You know he tells me everything," said Yuta who tried to dry his eyes.

Jae swallowed. He felt like a rock again. He took his phone our and dialed Taeyong's number while Yuta sat on the stairs and was crying into his pajama shirt.

"Jae, I guess I nearly forgot how your voice sounds," Taeyong spoke calmly with some happiness Jae felt was fake.

"I need to see you, fight now," said Jae.

"Oh, let's say we will met in and hour on the open city view terrace on the top of the company building," said Taeyong in the same melodic way.

"Ok," Jae ended the call.

He was shivering all over when he turned around.

"Tell him to bring my Sicheng back!" begged Yuta but Jae ignored him.

Yuta was as dishonest as Taeyong and Jae had enough. He made the way through the city again and it was nearly two a.m. when he stopped at the barrier on the roof terrace feeling the cold wind in his hair.

 when he stopped at the barrier on the roof terrace feeling the cold wind in his hair

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Thank you for your support, I hope you're still enjoying the book.

What do you think about Jae's conversation with Mark, what idea came to his mind?
What about Taeyong being the one who made Sicheng leave? How will Jaeyong's conversation be?

Much <3

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