24. Breaking

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The night air was cold, still sweat rolled under his shirt and even the wind that was caressing his face didn't make him feel a thing. There was a stranger inside him he barely recognized the form of a door he opened. The lady at the front desk was shouting something but he walked like a zombie, like a murder, like someone insane. He reached the lift and pressed the floor number, the place he was heading was the only thing beside walking he could think of right now.

One door slammed and Jae stopped getting into the warm yellow light and the bedroom with cream walls, a big bed with bright pink sheets.

"Jae," he barely recognized his own name when the boy hurried to him, barefoot in his black-white pajama pants and a cartoon t-shit on his skinny body.

"Jae sick?" he asked in a shaky voice grabbing his hand and the touch of another human made him sober.

Jae glanced up at the cute childish face in front of him, pink strings and dark wide eyes.

"Sicheng I came... I don't know what to do," whispered Jae. "Taeyong kissed Taeil," he said.

Sicheng's face became pale and his skinny arms trembled.

"Jae sit," he said pointing at the armchair but Jae moved to the floor and leaned his back against a wall.

Sicheng grabbed two pillows from the bed and forced one between Jae and the wall he sat next to the boy and grabbed his arm the way Jae did with Taeyong.

Jae started crying, everything in him gave in and he wasn't able to absorb more pain.

Sicheng said nothing he just gave him his skinny body warmth and Jae knew it was enough to keep him alive.

"Where?" asked Sicheng finally after long minutes of silence.

"On a pafty, in Fachel's foom," said Jae blankly.

"Rachel vefy bad. Taeyong vefy bad. everyone vefy bad," Sicheng shook his head.

"I know," whispered Jae.

"Taeil vef vefy vefy bad, bad bad bad of all," said Sicheng. "Hurt Minuj, hurt Jae."

"How is she?" asked Jae.

He wanted to talk about everything but not about the thing that was playing on replay in front of his eyes.

"Vefy bad, she sad and say ok but no no ok," Sicheng shook his head miserably. "She happy no more, cry day, night," Sicheng was talking about his sister's condition for the first time.

"What about you and Yuta?" asked Jae and Sicheng shivered.

Deep blushes covered his cheeks.

"Did you enjoy the kiss?" asked Jae quietly.

Sicheng took a deep breath in.

"No," he shook his head and bit his lip. "It nice, vefy nice," his blushes went deeper. "Want again," he laid his head on Jae's shoulder and they went silent again.

Jae leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes feeling the tears rolling down his cheeks.

The morning came way too quick and Jae felt a foreign smell and needed a second to realize the bed he's sleeping in is Sicheng's bed while the boy was breathing gently on the other side of the long mattress. It was a painful space between realization that last night had happened and that he will need to move on. Jae was a little shocked but also vey thankful when Sicheng woke up and offered him one of the three other bedrooms to live in. Jae decided to talk to Doyoung in person a phone call wouldn't be enough. All his actions were robotic, automatic, inhuman-like, and soon he was on the way through the lawn to the main building. He wanted to meet Doyoung to tell someone besides Sicheng someone who could go and yell at Taeyong and Taeil, but when he walked through the grass he bumped into Taeyong. The boy was wearing the same clothes from last night, his hair was a mess and he had deep gray shadows under his eyes. He glance at Jae and a smile formed on his lips.

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