19. His

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"Jae," he whiepred.

"You'fe always so distant to me in youf flat," Jae had tears in his eyes.

Taeyong pulled the gloves off he ran to him and closed him in his arms.

"Sorry my Jae, I... I love you so much I just don't feel like in my own flat right now," Taeyong kissed his neck. "Let me change the sheets and then I'm all yours," he said pecking his lips and running to the bed.

Jae waited trying to be patient while Taeyong stretched the fabric till there were no folds on it.

He smiled and walked to Jae taking his face in his hands and kissing him again and again.

Jae's anger was still burning inside him but he tried his best to ignore it.

Still it was boiling but the kisses blurred his vision made him dizzy. He moved from Taeyong and took a breath.

"Jae," Taeyong cuddled their noses together. "Aren't you happy I'm here?" he asked.

"You afen't happy to see me," Jae felt his chin trembling.

"I am, and how I am," Taeyong caressed his cheek pecked his lips again.

He pulled Jae to the bed and the boy felt his socks stumbling over the gloves and the already changed sheets on the carpet. It's a disease, he tried to reason himself when he moved on the mattress and sat down next to Taeyong. The crystal chandeliers above him reminded him of the day when he was in this bedroom for the first time and his cheeks filled with purple.

"Jae please don't be mad," Taeyong was rubbing gentle circles into his hands and looking at him with deep sad eyes.

"Ok," whispered. "Jae but only if you..." he bit his tongue.

Was he really about to say it.

"What?" Taeyong's eyes glittered.

"Yy... kiss me," Jae changed the actual sentence.

"Ok," Taeyong smiled, he moved his hands under Jae's sweater lifting it up with the boy's t-shirt and Jae's heart hammered loud.

He felt kisses all on his chest and he closed his eyes moaning a little. How many nights had he imagined it, has he waited for it.

Taeyong pushed him on the mattress, climbed over him when he was undressing them both completely, soon they were bare and Jae felt his heart beating like crazy, his hands traveling all the way up and down Taeyong's body, his lips kissing everywhere they could reach.

Reality faded, he was whispering Taeyong's name, begging him to never ever stop, promising him forever and more, he couldn't control his emotions, he had missed the boy so much, longed for this closeness for so many months. He kissed Taeyong endlessly left red marks on his shoulders and neck, nibbled on his lips while they made love very slowly, as none could imagine to be further apart than right now. It seemed like forever and even after Jae came he still felt Taeyong deep inside him, connected in the way that was only possible to express their love.

The morning turned into the afternoon and they were still in bed kissing and touching, licking each possible an impossible part. Taeyong was lying on his belly a smile over his lips while Jae was counting the moles on his lover's body but got lost in the count around the number 80,

"81" he muttered moving his tongue over the mole on Taeyong's lower lips and causing the boy to laugh loud.

"My little Jae" he whispered and Jae felt like falling.

He cuddled his face into Taeyong's shoulder. He really wanted to stay here forever, and then he realized he never really wanted to go back to the dorm, because he couldn't imagine to spend a night away from Taeyong's lips and arms.

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