44. Secrets

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Jae walked back to his apartment in the afternoon and unpacked. He was so torn and tired of getting out of his housemate's way, so after two successful days of avoiding Sicheng and Taeyong he was in the sun filled library looking for a nice book to read to get his mind clear. He wanted to forget the incident from the wine basement, and never ever talk about it to anyone even Doyoung. He was sure Taeyong won't find out and he grabbed a book from the shelve when he saw Yuta in the other row. The boy fixed his brown hair walking in a nonchalant way, he leaned against the bookshelf and grinned causing Jae to stretch his head till he noticed Lauren who was very short so the top of her head was on the level of Yuta's armpit.

"How's life?" Yuta kept grinning he flirted with his body and Lauren tried to ignore him.

"Leave ok, it won't happen again," she became red.

"Babe, I know you miss me, come back," Yuta moved closer to her and she trembled.

"Yuta please, I don't want to hurt him," she faced the boy.

"But you want me," Yuta licked his lips.

"I don't," she avoided looking at him.

But moments later when he grabbed her chin his fingers and kissed her slowly she just stood there allowing him to make it and Jae left the book on the shelf. He walked out of the row and out of the library building, he was shaking. Lauren was too weak to say no to Yuta, he was too weak in  the wine basement, he saw Taeyong and Doyoung walking his way and he jumped through the short brick wall and hid behind the corner.

He took a deep breath and glanced left to see Rachel in the bushes. She placed a little bag of white powder on a stone and pressed some part on her finger then she swallowed it quickly hiding the rest in her pocket. Jae shivered, he knew it wasn't just Rachel's roommate who was responsible for the drugs during the party when Taeyong had cheated on him and his blood boiled, he decided to go to Ten and tell him about it.

During the next few days Jae tried to speak with Ten privately but Rachel was constantly around him so he had no possibility to do it. Mr. Jacksonville called him and wanted to met him urgently during the weekend and Taeyong called him twice a day to ask if he's allright but Jae lied he needed his distance because of his mum. Doyoung even came to ask what it's all about but Jae lied to him too although Doyoung didn't seem convinced.

On Saturday right before the meeting with the producer Jae was eating breakfast in the kitchen when the door opened and Sicheng burst inside. He smiled noticing the boy whose face became pale. Jae spilled his coffee over the table.

Sicheng muttered a quick 'hi' and walked to the fridge to get some water for his early dance practice.

Jae kept quiet, he wanted to say something but his mind was empty.

He hurried for a rug to clean the table and bumped into Sicheng who wanted to leave the kitchen immediately.

"Sorry," muttered Sichneg glancing at Jae.

"Me too," whispered Jae while his stomach was somewhere else and his heart sped up.

Was he insane but he grabbed the boy's skinny hip and pulled him closer brushing the sweet lips with his what caused goose bumps all down his skin.

"Jae stop," whispered Sicheng moving past him and leaving from the kitchen he slammed the door shut.

Jae leaned against the counter and took a deep breath.

Why was he doing this, he didn't even like the boy, not the way he felt about Taeyong, why did he care so less.

Mr. Jacksonville was stressed when he offered Jae a chair in his office. The boy was a little late and torn because of the morning kiss. How could he cheat twice, why was his mind playing crazy and he wished Yuta would leave Sicheng for Lauren and they could have more time. You love Taeyong he told himself when he lowered himself into the comfortable seat and glanced at the man.

"Jae, I'm sorry to say that but your music isn't that popular, the sales are very low, too low actually," he said and Jae shivered.

He got sober in a second. Will he be kicked out or was it just a warning.

"But?" he breathed in.

"Relax, I don't want to terminate your contract, I just want to rescue your career," Mr. Jacksonville pushed a glass of water towards him and Jae took it in his shaky hands.

"But Sif, I... I can do bettef," he begged.

"I know how hard you work but I guess the reason isn't your music or your talent, the reason is..." the man sighed.

"Taeyong," whispered Jae lowering his head.

"I'm glad you understand," Mr. Jacksonville had a worried tone. "Taeyong is the biggest star in this country right now and you are his boyfriend, this doesn't bring you fans, more enemies," said the man. "I hoped the public wouldn't find out at least so early but Taeyong couldn't keep his word and confessed his big love, but what he did also brought your career down, since his confession you receive more hate than love, I know you don't check the internet about yourself and it's great but... Jae the new single was a disaster and it's a great song, no award at the National Music Awards or other shows, place 16 in the charts, this was the one nice spark, but ony for a week," the man shook his head.

"So what now?" asked Jae who felt cold showers raining over him.

"And our concurrence, oh they have a flow with Mark Lee, his new single went from no spot to number 1 in the charts in a few hours. He's a threat even for Taeyong, so we need something brilliant to get through this phase," Mr. Jacksonville was sad.

Thank you for your love for this story, it's the best

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Thank you for your love for this story, it's the best.

So what do you think about Jae, Rachel, Yuta and Lauren, all looking for trouble. Will Jae be kicked out of the company?

Also could you help me to decide on a title for a new NCT story I'm working on, that will be up soon?
The two titles I have are 'Letters to love' and 'Love song', which one do you like better? Or do you have an idea for a brilliant title? If I'll use your idea I'll mention you in the book and dedicate the first chapter to you 😊

Much <3

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