58. Forever

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The taxi slowed down leaving the official road taking the smaller way to the terminal, where it stopped at a gate with a gatehouse and Taeyong jumped out.

"Do you think it's possible?" asked a green Taeil.

"Who's Lauren?" asked Mr. Moon but Jae and Taeil ignored him.

"I didn't know he has a pfivate jet," Jae felt a shiver.

Was a private jet making Taeyong even more sexy or was it just him, the way he placed his hand in the back pocket of his tight jeans while he talked to the security guard.

Jae shivered, he slipped closer to the window, were it just the neon lights in the night air or has his ex never been so beautiful.

They nearly stopped to breath when Taeyong came to them.

"They'll let us in, we will meet a ground staff member next to the jet, but please keep the speed limits here," Taeyong looked at Taeil's father meaningfully.

"Have I ever driven carelessly boy?" the man smiled and tapped Taeyong's knee.

Taeyong glanced at Taeil begging him for help but Taeil was too nervous to talk to his father.

The barrier moved up and they drove into the night taking the road the staff members were showing them till they stopped next to a beautiful small plane that looked very new. Jae took a breath then let it out while Taeyong jumped out and told them to wait. A middle aged woman with blonde hair in a bun walked to him, they started to talk, while Taeil seemed very sick and Jae grabbed his hand that was as cold as during the day when he was kicked out of high shool because of plagiarism even if he had done nothing wrong.

Minutes later Taeyong gave them a sign with his hand to come out and they left the taxi. Taeil was so weak his legs barely lifted him and Jae needed to support him while the main loudspeakers sounded.

"Miss Lauren Francis is asked to come to gate 47 terminal C, Miss Lauren Francis."

Jae trembled, Lauren will kill them if she will miss her plane.

The minutes crawled and Taeil was shaking more and more next to Jae but finally a door opened and they saw the girl running to them. She was ghostly pale, her dark hair was messed by the wind while she tried to keep her hand luggage next to her.

She saw them and stopped never believing her own eyes and Taeil froze.

"Go to hef," whispered Jae but Taeil wasn't able to move.

"Lauren sorry for it but Taeil wanted to say bye," Taeyong was the only one who handled the situation and Lauren let all the air out of her.

"But my plane," she said

"We will make it quick, good luck in London," Taeyong walked to the girl stretching his hand out so she shook it in an awkward way, soon Jae moved and Lauren ran to him then hugged him tightly.

"Goodbye, I'll miss you," he said honestly.

"Oh Jae, I'm so, so touched," Lauren started to cry.

She was very small so she moved to the tip of her toes like the ballerina she was and whispered "Get him back," into Jae's ear, what caused all the hair on his body to stand up.

She let go and moments later she was in front of Taeil, he had deep blushes on his cheeks and tears in his eyes and Jae moved closer to Taeyong observing the two.

"I... I... wish you luck," whispered Taeil stretching his hand out and Lauren took it but didn't let go.

They looked at each other like if the whole world disappeared around them while the loudspeakers above them spat out "Miss Lauren Francis please come to gate 6 terminal B, Miss Lauren Francis."

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