47. First sand

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The boy wore a fancy leather jacket his pink hair was up because he had a sweet bandana around his forehead and he smiled to bartender. Jae wanted to leave but the boy turned to him and waved so Jae waved back. His stomach changed into ice and Sicheng walked stright to him.

"Hi," he muttered with a smile.

"Hi," Jae felt his hands are sweaty.

"Dance?" Sicheng glanced towards the floor and Jae swallowed.

No, of course not said his right mind but he grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him not towards the dance floor but a dark corridor that was leading out to the beach. The corridor was empty and Jae felt his heart hammering when he pressed the boy against the wall and swallowed his lips in a hungry kiss, the same way Yuta did months ago, and he hated himself but couldn't stop. He was so torn, heartbroken from Taeyong and the company, he knew he pretended he had forgiven but the truth was Miss Hillary was right he wanted to hurt Taeyong the same way he had hurt him, and he wanted to have fun and kiss, to be close and forget the reality in someone's body. And Sicheng was so sweet so delicate his beauty, his skin his lips, all were addicting and Jae couldn't stop.

"Come," whispered Jae pulling the boy into the night air. They crossed the sand till they found a deserted place next to the crushing black waves. The sand was cold and wet when they slowly sank into it stripping between kisses.

Jae has never felt so nervous so unsure, he wanted to be gentle and nice and he kissed Sicheng's body up and down endlessly, till there was not a single part of skin he hasn't tasted and the boy came with his eyes closed and Jae wanted to forget reality. The sand laid on their skin and the cold waves tickled his feet when he became bare and felt just skin underneth him. The clouds were torn by the wind, the rustling of the ocean like music, and fire was between them. Jae was slow and gentle, he was cautious to make each move right, he took his time and listened to Sicheng's body, to the way it tensed and relaxed till he moved further. It was a little bitter between this amazing pleasure, the feeling that it it was how he wanted it to be, when he was taken for the first time. He assumed Sicheng and Yuta had done it months ago but he still treated the boy like if it was his first time. His steady moves his gentleness, made it deeper and more intimate than he had ever imagined it to be. The boy's lips were endlessly soft and sweet and from time to time waves crushed to the shore sending frozen drops on the boy and Jae's body, he moved steady, flying and falling, catching his breath on the boy's lips, kissing sand corns and salty ocean drops from this peach like skin. Sicheng moaned loud, nails dug into Jae's back and hip, he felt the pleasure overtaking his skin and the boy clenched his teeth to not to shout into the night and Jae was so close himself. He whispered 'I need you' and 'Youf so beautiful' before the next move made him reach deeper than anything.

Teh seagulls woke up and the down made the ocean gray and the sand bright blue and pink. The fresh air and the wind were like from a different world and Jae's hands were freezing by the morning humidity. He felt the heaviness of Sicheng's head on his shoulder when they were sitting in the sand dressed up again and they observed the raising sun.

Jae felt like if a thousand years had happened between him and the Jae he had known. He felt like a man, more than he ever did before. It was strange, it brought new pain but also freedom and he enjoyed the fresh air and the sound of the waves.

"Was it ok?" he asked glancing at the pink strings that were tickling his neck.

"Yes," Sicheng moved his head on his shoulder and nodded.

He cuddled closer to Jae, and the boy smiled.

"Once I did a bettef job than Yuta," he muttered.

Sicheng stayed silent and Jae glanced at him while the boy's cheeks were covered by blushes.

"Yuta and Sicheng never... this... this... first," the boy stuttered and Jae's stomach turned.

No he couldn't have taken Sicheng's virginity, he was way to sure the boy had done it to ask. He got scared and lifted the boy's face by his chin.

"Jae ok, no worry, first pretty," whispered Sicheng placing a lovely and ocean salty kiss on his dried and swollen lips.

"I'm soffy," whispered Jae.

"Sicheng happy, Jae did pretty and respect Sicheng," the boy assured between passionate and delicate kisses.

"Thank you," whispered Jae.

He didn't know why but he felt graceful because the boy allowed him to do it, and took so much of his pain away.

"Thank you," Sicheng kissed him again.

The first sun ray appeared behind the horizon and they never noticed to busy making out in the sand.

The first sun ray appeared behind the horizon and they never noticed to busy making out in the sand

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Thank you for all your support it means so much to me. I guess this is the chapter I was the most afraid to post, still let me know what do you think? Also remember that this is a Jaeyong story.

Much <3

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