If I didn't know Jasmine I would laugh and call her crazy; but I knew her...and most importantly, I knew what she was.


Predictor of death.

I dropped onto the floor and stared at her washing the clothes that she said was dirty with tears in my eyes and a stronger fear of tomorrow in my heart.


Jennifer's P.O.V

The blue liquid moved from side to side in the glass tube as I held it up and stared at it with tears in my eyes.

"Angel, what's wrong?" He sat on the bed next to me and shook my head.

"Do you think this is gonna fix him?" I didn't take my eyes off of the tube but I felt his on me.

"Yea I do. Serillina is a pretty powerful witch. I think she knows what she's doing."

"Do you think he'll be there tomorrow? With them?" I sighed and set it down onto the table and found myself staring into his crystal eyes.

"He has to be." He smiled slightly and touched my face. "We're gonna fix him ok?"

"Why are you so keen on helping me fix Ian? I know you don't like him."

"It's not that I don't like him." He exhaled and stood up and walked towards the window.

"Then what is it?"

"It's the fact that you love him so much. I know that seems weird but that's what it is." He leaned against the window frame and looked at me while folding his arms. "But I want you to be happy; even if it's with a blue eyed Russian werewolf instead of an all star grey eyed American vampire."

I laughed at his inappropriate sense of humor and he smiled. I remember reading in his journal that he loved my laughter.

"See, I make you laugh. Another reason to give me a chance."


"I know, I know...you don't like me in that way." He made his way back to my bed and sat even closer to me. "But if you did we would have so much fun."

I did like him in that way but I loved Ian.

"We have fun already Nick. We can be good friends...I already think you are a good one to me." I smiled at him and pushed his hair back and he took the opportunity to grab a hold of my wrist and place a soft yet pore raising kiss on it. For some reason, this brought back memories of the bliss I felt with his bite.

"We can have much more fun if you just let me in." He leaned in closer to me and placed another thrilling kiss on the nape of my neck.


"Much more fun Angel." I felt his lips smile against my skin and I craved his bite stronger and stronger.

Without thinking I wrapped my fingers in his hair and pressed his mouth tighter against my neck. He then wrapped his arms around me and pulled my body onto his so now I sat on his lap facing him. I didn't care what was happening. I wanted that bite. Taking full advantage of my desperation he slid his hands up my legs and wrapped them both around his waist. My patience was running low. I tugged on his hair and pressed him deeper into my neck and finally he acknowledged my need but instead of biting he dragged his warm tongue on my skin before sucking on the flesh. It wasn't what I wanted but it sure felt good. After minutes of him bringing me pleasure and probably turning my neck red I pulled on his hair which caused him to move his face and look at me but I was not in the mood to stare into his eyes. Shocking the both of us I moved my body further onto his and placed soft kisses on his neck. He immediately began to moan and it got even louder when I slowly moved my waist against his. My breathing was heavy as I grabbed his face to bring his lips to mine but the brightness of the blue liquid caught my eyes from the table nearby and I instantly became aware of what I was doing.

"Angel...what's wrong?"

"No, no, no Nick...we can't. Oh my God what the hell was I doing?" I stood up and closed my eyes. "Nick I'm sorry I−

"No it's ok."

"It was not ok. That is never going to happen again. Never ever. Never."

"Is that all the nevers you wanna say? Please, I think you missed one more." He shook his head and stood up and I could tell that he was angry.

"Nick I−

"Yea I know." He made his way to my door. "Get some rest...we have a big day tomorrow."

When he closed the door I sighed and dropped back onto my bed. I didn't think I was going to get any sleep after that but I knew what a day was ahead. I closed my eyes and not so much to my surprise I dreamt of mint and tobacco. 

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