I began planning, and I called Liam, Niall, and Zayn into my bedroom. "You guys know what BooBear and Hazza like. I need ideaers." Liam and Zayn snickered at my word choice, and Niall asked, "Ideaers?" I rolled my eyes. "Ideas." They nodded, and I sighed. "Well, why don't they go to a movie?" I nodded. "What type of movie?" I asked, looking online for tickets. "Um, what's the latest horror?" I asked, and Zayn said, "I remember Harry watching a trailer for this horror movie call The Cabin in the Woods." I looked online. "Well, there's a showing at 9. Good? They could get dinner before the movie..." I trailed off, and Liam nodded vigorously. "Speaking of food, I'm hungry." Niall whined, and I grabbed my purse. I found the cereal bar, then tossed it to Niall. He grabbed it out of the air, and began munching happily. I grinned. "Ok, so 4 tickets to The Cabin in the Woods, and a reservation at... Harry's bar?" I snickered, and everyone laughed. "Sure. Hazza will love it." Liam winked, and I said, "Kinda like the love tap earlier?" He blushed, and little innoccent Niall said, "Love tap? What?" I explained through fits of giggles. "Um, earlier I threatened Liam that I wouldn't love him if he didn't brush his teeth. He brushed his fangs, and I gave him a kiss, and Lou came in saying, "No PDA in the lobby." So I started a major make out session with LiLi with Lou in the bathroom, and Li walked out first, so I gave him a love tap. On the behind." I laughed, and Liam flushed a bright tomato red. "Ohhhh. I get it now." Niall said, blushing. "You are too innoccent, Nialler." I sighed, and got a brilliant idea. "We should play spin the bottle or even worse, 7 minutes in heaven with the girls when Hazza and Lou are on their double date." I grinned, and called the rest of the girls.

"Eek!" Hannah squealed, and Ash brought her 2 favorite outfits. I picked out their outfits, and quickly did their hair. It was 6 o'clock, and their reservation was for 6:30. "Boys! Get ready!" I shouted, and I applied mascara to both of the girls' eyelashes. "They hate too much makeup." I grinned, and I admired their appearances. -----> "This is perfect!" I squealed, and I rushed to the boys' room. I barged in, and Harry was just in his boxers. "Hazza!" I whined. "You have 30 minutes to get ready." "Well, what should I wear?" He countered. I rushed to their closet. "Where's Lou?' I asked, tossing clothes around. "Showering. I've already bathed." He winked, and I rolled my eyes. "I'm taken." He began singing their song.

Who do you think you are?

Who do you think I am?

You only love to see me breaking

You only want me cause I'm taken

You don't really want my heart

No, you just like to know you can

Still be the one who gets it breaking

You only want me when I'm taken

"Stop! And put on this." I said, tossing him some relaxed fit jeans, a white v-neck shirt, and a black blazer. I began pawing through Lou's clothes, and he emerged from the bathroom, covered by a towel. "Aly!" He screamed, running back into the bathroom. "Calm down, BooBear. I'm just picking out your clothes. Hazza couldn't pick out clothes, and Zayn wasn't at all helpful." "Hey! I'm the only one allowed to call BooBear, BooBear!" Hazza shrieked, jumping on my back. I tilted to the side a little, but straightened back out. "Dang, you're strong." I heard Liam say, and I pulled down an outfit for Lou. "Hey, baby. What'cha doing?" I asked, covering my eyes upon his request. I tossed Lou his clothes, which were his usual outfit, but I tossed him some jeans, and a t-shirt and blazer. "I have no fashion sense, so what you get is what you got." I shrugged, then handed Harry 4 tickets. "You have a reservation at Harry's Bar - yes, Harry, you heard me right - for 6:30. It take 5 minutes to get there, so you have about 5 minutes to get ready. The girls are ready. You have to be done by 8:45ish to catch your movie, which is The Cabin in the Woods, - yes, BooBear, it's a horror film." I snickered, then said, "Any questions?" I still had my eyes covered, and I got tired, so I uncovered my eyes. Lou was just now stepping into his jeans I picked out. "Thank god for underwear." I muttered. "No questions? Good. Bye boys." I gave them a hug, and said to Harry, "Next time, not so much cologne." He smelled his shirt, and nodded.

Imperfection~ A Liam Payne Love Story (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now