A Game of Chess, A Fishing Lesson

Start from the beginning

"Calm down Mary." D chuckled at her antics. "There's not much you can do from this plain of existence." She ignored him and continued yelling at trying to get their attention. That was when he noticed an arm appear in the ropes above and untie something, letting the mast drop a few feet scaring the Marines.  So Robin was in a position she could see the ship. A good idea she had. The Marines already thought it was a ghost ship.

"Mary come here." D called to the girl who stopped in her tracks. "Let's play a game while we wait for the Marines to go away." Curious she came over to see what game he had in mind.

Robin chuckled as D and the girl, Mary he had called her, continue scaring the Marines after she had stopped. And the little girl was very enthusiastic about it. If she continued much longer the Marines might send the ship away as fast as they could without its crew. That's how afraid they looked.

"So what's happening on the Mary?" Ussop asked.

"Mary." Robin whispered. "Could he have embedded a spirit with the same name?"

"What are you talking about?" Ussop asked in a loud whisper. He was now standing.

"Your in full view Mr. Long Nose." Ussop dropped down again. Suddenly something happened on the Mary she hadn't noticed and the Marines began towing the ship away.

"We need to follow the Mary and find out where they're taking her." Ussop announced loudly jumping up

"Full view." He ducked down. "More importantly than that we need to figure something else out."

"What could be more important than the Mary?!" He screamed again jumping up. This time she didn't have to say anything for him to jump back down.

"Finding a way out of here." She answered matter of factly confusing him so she explained. "If you look all around it seems this space of water we have landed in is fully surrounded by land." He ohed. "Even if we know where the Mary is we need to know where to go to escape here." And she needed to get to D. What had happened before they fell had her worried. "We should split up and find our targets. You the location of Mary and I our way out."

Ussop nodded for a second. "Wait!? Split up!?" But she was already gone.

D watched commander Jonathan, seems while he was away he ranked up over the years, come aboard the ship. "What's all the hubbub about?" D studied the man closely as he conversed with the loud officer who's name he had already forgotten. Big men like that rarely could think a good plan out.

Jonathan for the most part had not changed in the last ten years. He did have some gray hairs poking through if you looked and the wrinkles around his eyes were evidence he chose to smile more than frown. All in all it seemed life had treated him well.

Suddenly the South Bird flew from within some of the sails and started attacking Jonathan. Which was hilarious. It certainly brightens Mary's mood. "You get him birdy!" She cried out as she tried kicking Jonathan. It seemed she had forgotten already what he had taught her about affecting the physical world.

Finally the South Bird stopped and flew away to find somewhere on the island to recover from its forced adventures. Poor thing was never going to make it back to Jaya. And he didn't think it's already terrorized heart could handle one of his portals. So instead he created a female version of it and sent it to materialize on the island somewhere for the male bird to find.

"Continue the good work with this ghost ship men." Jonathan instructed his men. It seemed he had seen all that he wanted. And the crew's gold had been discovered and was being unloaded.

"Big sister Nami isn't going to like you guys touching her treasure!" Mary yelled and jumped on top of the first load of treasure.

"Is it just me or did this treasure suddenly get heavy?" One of the Marines carrying the load huffed.

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