Time went so fast after that. When I ran to the car. Ryan was the only one getting out of it.

I didn't know where Y/N. I hoped in the room. Just so she couldn't stop me. Ryan looked at me. And I threw him against the fence. After that everything was blurred. The whole world was lit by the street light. And when time froze. I was looking at her face.

She was so beautiful.

She was staring at us, speechless.

Ryan was the first one to speak.

"I see what is going on here. Have fun princess and prince. You have things coming for you," Ryan sneered loudly. He got in his car and swerved away.

She looked at me.

"Why did you fight him?" She mumbled.

"Because. If he hits you I will hit him."

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

Your POV

"I wanted to."

I smiled slightly.

"Here. Come to my room for the night. I can drive you home in the morning. The rest will understand." He said in a soothing tone. I nodded and we quietly walked up to his room. When I walked in, he shut the door.

I looked at the lamp. It was on the floor. And the was overflowing.

"Shawn," I motioned. He looked up.

"Oops," He ran to the sink and turned it off. I walked over to the table. It had a paper on it. Which I crumbled and stuck in my pocket. When he walked back into the room. I was looking at the ground.

He strolled over to me slowly. He tucked some hair behind my ear. And I looked up at him.

I started to sob. He wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't know what I did to deserve all of this," I cried.

"It's okay. You are safe now. You are always safe with me."

The Next Day

I was sitting in Shawn's car. He was still getting his bag from the room. We told the crew we weren't going to the beach and why. They understood fine. Ryan never came back to the motel. He probably went to mess with some girl or went back to our hometown. I didn't care anymore. We were done. I wouldn't let him hurt me again. When I spilled everything to Shawn last night, we decided we would tell the police when we got back. This was after I had to convince him not to kill Ryan for two hours almost. I pulled the crumpled paper out of my pocket. And looked at the neatly written words.

I won't lie to you.

I know he's just not right to you.

And you can tell me that I'm off.

But I can see it on you face.

When you say that he is the one that you want.

And you're spending all this time in the wrong situation.

And any time you want it to stop.

I know I can treat you better than he can.

And any girl like you deserves a gentleman.

Tell me why are we wasting time, on all your wasted crying.

When you should be with me instead.

I know I can treat you better.

I smiled to myself. When Shawn walked outside, I got out of the car.

I held up the paper up. When he looked, his eyes went wide. I ran up to him and kissed him. He immediately kissed me back. He dropped his bag and wrapped his strong arms around me. He lifted me off the ground, spinning me slightly.

"Get it!" Carly yelled from the walkway balcony. We broke apart, and I laughed lightly.

"I am not wasting time anymore," I whispered to him. He smirked.

"Finally. Took you reading my stuff to realize that?" He teased softly.

"But I came around."

"Good. Because I know I can treat you better."


If you got past the urge to sing that last sentence you deserve an award.

I wanted to write the whole song in the paper, but that would make the imagine a little annoying.

I know this is long overdue for an imagine but I hope you liked the long imagine guys! I like this one so tell me if you did too. Also reminder I am also writing another sm fanfic along with two short stories so add them to your library :

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now