Truth or... Dare???

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Taro's P.O.V.

   Crud, it's been days since I've seen my baby sis and I miss her so much. I really hope she's alright. I sent her a message saying I'm alright. But... am I really? Or am I just saying that to make her feel safe?

    I just wish everything would come back to normal like how we were at the beach before Nao even came. Just joking around, not caring about what day it was, and having fun. I swear it feels like whenever Ayaka finally finds happiness it gets sucked right out.

"You look so deep in thought. What're you thinking about?" Mamoru asked. That's right, I'm not okay. I'm stuck in my cottage with two killers. I can't transforms either Computer won't respond to anything I say. I can't go see what's up with the Computer because Mamoru tied me up in a chair.

"I'm thinking about why you would even do something like this." I finally respond to his question.

"Cause, don't you think this is so much fun?" Mamoru smirked putting his hands on his hips.

"No. Not even close." I glared at him.

"Well, it doesn't matter as long as you stay in here." Mamoru sighed. He walked closer to me them smirked again.

"Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll do it for you." I said wishing I could kick him.

"Oh I'm so scared, help me." He act as if he was terrified then chuckled. He laced his fingers on my chin and lifted it up.

"How about we play a game? I promise it'll benefit both of us~" Mamoru grinned.
"No. N-O. Spells no." I denied.

"Yet, what choice do you have?" Mamoru asked.

"None." I sighed.

"Correct. And if I remember, you haven't had your first kiss have ya?" Mamoru grinned. My eyes widened.

"You wouldn't dare." I said wishing I could back up.

"Ah~ but the thing is Nao dared me to." Mamoru pouted.

"You guys were playing truth or dare while I was down here in a dark dirty place? Why did you invited me!? You know that's my favorite game!" I complained. What? It is my favorite game.

"Yeah I know, I was gonna let you play but then if it was your turn and we chose dare, you would've dared us to let you go." Mamoru explained. And now my plan was ruined.

"So let me get on with this dare and go back upstairs to wash it off." Mamoru shivered. There would be no way my first kiss will be with a guy! I stood up, almost falling down, but I caught myself. I held my breath and charged down with all my might. When it broke I quickly took the rope off of me and stood up.

"First of all. OUUUUCCCCHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I blinked back the tears as I held my tailbone.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow OWW!" I literally rolled on the floor so Mamoru wouldn't see me shedding a few tears.

"That looks painful." Mamoru got on his knees and pointed at me.

"Do you not understand the meaning of ow?" I looked at him. Then a quick pair of lips sent against mine then was released a second later.

"To believe my first kiss was with a guy." Mamoru wiped his lips with his arm.

"Your blushing." I pointed at him.

"Eh!? S-So! Your blushing too!" Mamoru yelled like a little kid.

"Your blushing harder." I said bluntly. I know I'm blushing harder by the second. My first kiss was with a guy and not a girl.

"So are you!" Mamoru pouted.

"Homosexual." I teased.

"Idiot." He teased back.

"Horrible kidnapper."

"...Dumb butt."

"Ran out already killer?" I smirked.

"I'm not a killer! I am simply doing as told." Mamoru yelled. He sighed and walked out before he did he stopped.

"You're lucky I enjoyed that kiss." He mumbled. I barely understood but I heard you're lucky.

"He's the one who's an idiot. He forgot that I broke free." I looked at my red arms and clenched my fists. I got through Mamoru, now I have to get through Nao to check out May. I mean Computer. After that, I'll come rescue you Ayaka.

Ayaka's P.O.V.

"I have to go back Kyoya and you're not gonna stop me!" I yelled. Kyoya held my hands and his sister looked at me shocked. Tears were already flowing down my eyes and they sting when each tear falls.

"Ayaka sweetie you came here so we can provide protection for you. Why must you go back to that horrid place?" Fuyumi asked.

"My brother is still there! I haven't got a response from him in three days! Please let me save Taro!" I cried. Akito and Yuuichi ran into the room and watched.

"What's wrong with her Fuyumi?" Yuuichi asked. I continued to fight Kyoya and tried to have him let me go.

"She wants to go back." She said.

"Back to her place? Is she crazy!?" Akito asked.

"How has our private police force taking this?" Yuuichi said trying to stay calm. Fuyumi stayed silent for a couple of minutes then took a deep breath. She gazed at me and tears flowed faster.

"They can't do anything." She finally answered.

"What!?" Yuuichi and Akito yelled.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"No Ayaka! You're not leaving this stupid place until we figure out how the heck we can keep you alive!!! I don't freaking want to go to your funeral anytime soon! You are the last person I want to see die! Cause you want to go to a place where, not only was your previous killer is, but where Mamoru AND Nao is! I must've lost my MIND if I let you go!" Kyoya yelled at me tightening his grip to my wrists.

   I sobbed and admitted defeat. He slowly let go of my wrists and I laid down on the bed and I cried into a pillow. I'm sorry Taro, I tried. I want to protect you. But I'm too weak, I just want to see your face.

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