Welcome Pt.2

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Before you begin this is Ayaka's brother Mamoru and I'll show Taro in the next chapter.

"I wanted to apologize for Kyoya's rude behavior, my princess." Tamaki bowed. I sighed and put my hands on his cheeks when he stood up straight.

"But my sweet prince, I don't want to hear it from you. I wanna hear it from the person who caused the rude behavior." I smiled sweetly.

"W-Well then, K-Kyoya." He blushed and turned away.

"I am truly sorry for my rude behavior during class. I did not mean to cause you any trouble." Kyoya sighed.

"Do you mean it?" I pouted.

"Yes." He said.

I smirked and was about to say something until I was tackled by an adorable little boy. Why was he in here? Maybe he's visiting his older brother or sister. His gold hair and his big golden eyes are so adorable!

"You're so cute Aya-chan!" He smiled.

"Aw thank- wait who are calling Aya-chan!" I yelled at him as I dusted my dress.

"Same thing I said the first time I came in here." Haruhi said handing a stuffed bunny and a piece of cake to the little boy.

"Thank you Haru-chan!" He said as he swallowed the cake and cuddled with the bunny.

"Oh let me introduce you to the Host Club." Haruhi smiled.

"As you know I'm Haruhi Fujioka."

"I'm Hikaru." His hair was parted on the right.

"I'm Kaoru." His hair was parted on the left and his voice his pretty higher than his brother.

"And we're the Hitachiin twins!" That might be the only difference between them for now.

"I'm Mitskuni Haninozuka but everyone calls me Honey."

"This is Takashi Morinozuka but everyone calls him Mori. Isn't that right Takashi?"

"Mhm." The tall boy with black hair and dark grey eyes nodded.

"I'm Tamaki Suoh."

"And I'm Kyoya Ootori."

Wow these guys are just, wow. Do they practice that while looking so cute!? I don't if I can take it! I'm kidding, I was just being sarcastic, but really it's that it's just too cute.

" And although you already know my name, I'm Ayaka Mano. Now tell me what's the Host Club?" I asked looking around again. Tamaki eyes widened as he smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Tamaki said as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm already regretting that I asked." I said looking away.

"The Ouran Host Club is where the handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies that also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the rich and beautiful!" He said cheerfully.

"Now, the real question is." Kaoru started.

"What type are you?" Hikaru smirked.

"Are you the Strong-Silent type?" Tamaki pointed at the smiling Mori.

"The boy Lolita type?" He pointed to Honey who was still cuddling with his bunny.

"The Mischievous type?" He pointed the smirking Hikaru and Kaoru.

"The Cool type?" He pointed to Kyoya who paid no attention to me. I quickly shook my head. No thanks I'm already having a hard time staying away from him.

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