Was It A Success?

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"What are we waiting for let's go save Aya-chan!" Honey yelled charging into the house with the rest behind him except Kyoya. Why am I not surprised?

"What's taking you so long? Are you enjoying this?" I looked at him in the corner of my eyes.

"How can I enjoy something so frightening? Ayaka has been kidnapped not by her brother but her adoptive brother that I never knew, and was probably beaten to death trying to get information out of her." Kyoya said not looking away from the house. His hands balled up into fists and he started to walk in. I followed in from behind.

"Ayaka! Where are you?" Haruhi yelled walking into the kitchen.

"Okay, there are many places she could be. If I was Mamoru where would I put her?" Hikaru wondered. Kaoru walked upstairs where Nao, Mamoru, and their parents room were.

"Do you know Taro? You know this place more than us." Tamaki asked walking out of the dining room. I let my bangs cover my face and thought about it. Where would Mamoru put her? Probably somewhere torturous. Nao's secret room!

While Nao is out Mamoru and I would always sneak in. It's hard getting in with his security, but we always knew a way.

"Follow me." I demanded as I ran to Nao's room. They all followed me into his room.

"Back up a little." I said gently pushing them back. I clapped twice, snapped three times, then put my hands on the entrance. After a few seconds of silence it cracked open and I pushed it open the rest of the way. It must be a little rusty. The Host Club looked at it in awe. I started walking down the stairs.

"Come on." I said. I noticed a pool of blood the further I walked down. Soon I saw a body and I knew it was Ayaka's.

"Ayaka!" I ran towards her ignoring the blood. I got on my knees and held her in my arms. S-She's barely breathing. Tears started trickling down my face as I held her cold body. She looks so pale and she lost so much blood. Her weak body looks so thin, had she been eating ever since she's been here? I swear once we get back I'm going to kill Mamoru for this.

"Ayaka..." Tamaki gasped. Mori covered Honey's eyes as he looked at the scene in horror. The twins eyes widened as they look away. Haruhi started crying and Kyoya, this might be the first time I have ever seen a tear run down his face.

"T... Taro..." A weak voice called out to me. My eyes widened as I realize it's from Ayaka.

"A-Ayaka! Your alive, thank goodness." I smiled as tears ran down face faster. Everyone watched from afar.

"You... found... me..." She smiled weakly. Tears started falling out of her eyes. I hugged her tightly.

"Save your energy. Your safe now." I smiled. She slowly closed her eyes and her breathing stopped. Her smiled slowly faded and so did mine. My eyes widened and I shook her slowly.

"H-Hey. Don't die on me!" I yelled. She wouldn't open her eyes. I placed my hand on her heart and it also stopped.

"Don't just stand there! Help!" I yelled at them. What am I suppose to do!? I started panicking as I held her in my arms.

"I can call my doctor she'll help her." Kyoya suggested.

"Hurry! Do one of you know CPR?" I cried. Kyoya stepped forward. I stared at him then looked at the rest.

"Anyone else?" I asked desperately. Haruhi glared at me. I sighed and let her go and laid her head against the floor gently. I moved to the side. He dialed his doctor and gave the phone to Tamaki. He walked up to her and tilted her head up. He put two fingers on her side of her neck and started to push down on her chest while holding his hands together.

"Yes hello? This is Tamaki Suoh reporting from Kyoya Ootori's phone. We need your help, one of our friends have collapsed and isn't breathing. I will send you the address." Tamaki hung up and texted the doctor the address.

"She should be coming in 5 min." Tamaki said. Kyoya continued as we all hoped she'll make it out alive. The doctor came with the ambulance and they took her away. The doctor looked at Ayaka with sorrow. We all hopped into the car Ayaka was in.

"I pity you. While you get to be sleeping beauty, your princes are fighting for you hoping one of them will get to wake you up with true love's kiss, but I can tell which one your really after." She chuckled playing with Ayaka's hair. Either she does princess birthday parties or she watches too much princess movies.

"Will she be alright?" I asked worriedly.

"She'll be just fine." She gave me a warm smile. It calmed me down a little bit, but I feel like that she is lying. We got to the hospital in silence and they ran in the emergency room. They told us to wait in the waiting room. Everyone sat down while I paced around.

"Taro sit down." Haruhi demanded. I wasn't about to mess with her, although Honey is the strongest in the group Haruhi is the most scariest one out of all of them. I'd do almost anything she'd tell me to do, it's just something that scares me. I sit down next to her and rest my head on her shoulder.

The twins and Tamaki looked at me as if I was crazy. Tamaki was about to attack me when the twins held him back.
"Gah, stop touching my daughter! Don't get any ideas!" Tamaki yelled, I was to depressed to argue back, more likely to talk back.

"Boss! Just-"

"-calm down already!"

"Leave him alone Tamaki senpai. He's going through some rough times right now. Quit playing around and shut up." Haruhi glared at them. After she said that they shut up and sat down. I told you there's something in the tone of her voice.

It became late at night and everyone left one by one. Except for the twins I mean, they should leave together. Haruhi was the only one left with me. I still had my head resting on her shoulder.

"You don't have to stay with me Haruhi. You can go." I suggested with a small smile.

"It's okay, I don't need you panicking alone. You'd be trying to break into the emergency room asking, no yelling if Ayaka is okay if I didn't tell you to sit down." She chuckled starting to play with my hair. My eyes widened and I blushed a little in embarrassment.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Nothing!" I responded quickly lifting my head up. I took my phone out to see what time it was and it was past midnight.

I yawned and started drifting off thinking about a relaxing day at a private beach and Ayaka smiling and giggling. Right behind her is every single one of our friends.

"Don't force yourself to stay up Taro." Haruhi said but after a couple of seconds she started to yawn.

"Same goes for you too." I chuckled laying my head on her shoulder again. She laid her head on mine and I went to sleep in a instant. I really hope Ayaka is safe.

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