My Scars and My Pain

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"Wake up sleeping beauty." Someone whispered in my ear. I crack a smile and started laughing.

"Sleeping beauty, my butt." I laughed opening my eyes to see Taro smiling.

"Good morning." Taro said.

"Morning, where's Haruhi?" I asked looking at her bed with nobody in it.

"She went out to the beach with Host Club. Well, more like kidnapped to the beach by the Host Club." Taro nervously chuckled. I groaned and put my pillow over my head.

"Fu I hafe do go?" I muffled into the pillow. Taro sighed and threw my pillow to the other side.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you over the pillow." Taro smiled.

"Do I have to go?" I asked again.

"Yes, yes you do. I didn't bring you all the way here just so you can lay in bed." Someone said waiting by the door.

"Kyoya, how long have you been there?" I asked surprised. I did not see him right there. At all.

"I came in with him, because Tamaki forced me." Taro glared at him and Kyoya glared back at him.

"Okay..." I said slowly heading to the bathroom.

"Why are you going in there for?" Taro asked.

"One, to get away from you guys. Two, I still have to do the basics. Three, I'm not changing into my bikini in front of you guys." I stick my tongue out at him.

"Why not? We always changed together back then. Flat chested back then, flat chested now." Taro smirked poking my chest.

"You are the definition of pervert... and Tamaki. Now can stop poking my non existent chest?" I joked. Taro laughed and held his stomach and I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom.

In the corner of my eye I saw Kyoya doing two things I couldn't decide on. He is blushing a little but has a dark aura around him. Does that make any sense? I ignored it and grabbed the bikini Haruhi gave me on the way in.

After I changed I looked at myself in the mirror. There was two problems with this bikini. One, it's pink. I am not a fan of pink, especially if it's nothing but pink. Two, my scars show from those whips. It's all over my stomach and my back and a few on my legs. I stuck my head out to see Taro and Kyoya patiently waiting for me.

"Taro, there's a little problem with this... outfit. Can you cone here real quick?" I asked nervously smiling. Hopefully Kyoya doesn't feel offended for it. I mean, Taro is my brother after all.

"Sure." Taro shrugged and got off the bed. He walked in the bathroom, and stopped when he looked at the bikini.

"You look nice in it, but..." He mumbled and retraced the scars on my stomach.

"Those scars..." He said.

"Do you have a hoodie that way I can cover it? So when I get in the water I can just take it off and no one will see them." I whispered to him. He looked at my scars for a couple more minutes then nodded. He left the bathroom with tears in his eyes.

"Taro..." I muttered. I shook my head and looked around the bathroom. There must be at least some concealer in here. I searched the bathroom three times, but couldn't find any. Taro came back and handed me a hoodie.

"Here." He whispered covering his face with his bangs.

"Taro, quit blaming yourself! It wasn't your fault." I said putting the hoodie over my head.

"But it is. If I only went in your room this wouldn't happen." He turned around and went out the door.

"At least smile for now okay? Have fun, this weekend isn't only for me now." I smiled trying to brighten up the mood.

"Okay." He mumbled so low I couldn't hear.

"What?" I asked following right behind him.

"I said... okay!" Taro laughed as he quickly turned around and picked me up.

"T-Taro!" My eyes widened then he spun me around and I laughed with him.

"Eh-hm." Kyoya fake coughed. I rolled my eyes and Taro threw me on the bed.

"Taro!" I yelled when he let me go. He laughed so hard that he literally rolled on the ground.

"If you don't mind. I'd like to leave now." Kyoya glared at Taro.

"So immature." Kyoya muttered. I guess Taro couldn't hear it over his laughter. Kyoya rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"What?" I asked. My heart is racing, stop looking at me like I got something you need!

"Didn't you went into the bathroom to change into a bikini?" Kyoya asked holding onto his notebook.

"I did." I said quickly.

"We should go to the beach, let's go! Come on Taro!" I chirped and marched out the door.

"O...Okay..." He said between laughs.

"Do you even have the slightest idea where to go?" Kyoya called out to me. I stopped in my tracks and walked backwards. I bumped into someone and we both fell. I fell on top of the person and my body ached in pain.

"Oww." I cried.

"You need to watch-" Kyoya gritted his teeth. I guess he was in pain as well, but why would he pause?

"Ayaka... your stomach..." Kyoya eyes widened. The hoodie! I blushed and pulled the hoodie back over my body.

"Y-You can't tell anyone else about my scars o-okay?" I looked at him embarrassed. I got a nod in response.

"Hey Ayaka-" Taro walked out. He glared at Kyoya and yanked me off of him. Kyoya stood up and brushed off his shirt.

"What were you doing with Ayaka?" Taro sneered at him.

"It's okay Taro. It was nothing." I said looking back at him before walking to the elevator.

Okay, look I have a happy ending in mind, but I also got a sad ending in mind. It's just that time. So, if you know what this says type it in the comments and you'll get a happy ending! You CANNOT CHEAT! Ask for help, but you cannot look it up on the internet. You get until September 5th, until then I choose sad story. I'm just evil like that~!
ヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙

Good luck: ハッピーエンド

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