It Must Be A Dream

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"Ayaka..." Someone keeps calling out to me, but it echoes. Why does this voice sounds so familiar?

"Ayaka... Can you hear me?" I look around but all I see is darkness and when I look up I see the water shining and me falling further away. I slowly close my eyes, if I die here I know I had a great friends and the best brother.

"Ayaka!" This time the voice came out clear and sharp. I opened my eyes and wondered how much longer I will be able to hold my breath.

"There you are." A figure swims to me. He smiles and takes me above the water. H-His f-face looks... just like Nao's. When we hit the surface I started to cough up some water.

"Are you... okay?" He asks me worried.

"Wh... Who are you?" I asked still coughing up so much salty water.

"You don't remember me Ayaka? I know it's been a couple of years, but come on." He chuckled.

"N-No you can't be Nao. I saw Nao die right in front of me." I shook my head tears started building up in my eyes.

"Ayaka-" He tried to put his hand on my cheek but I smacked it away.

"You aren't Nao! Don't touch me!" I cried. He grabbed my wrists to stop me from pushing him away.

"Ayaka, I didn't wait two years for you just so you can push me away. I am Nao and you're going to believe it's me." He gritted his teeth getting closer to me. We were now at least one inch from each others face and I was too scared to move.

"H-How..." I asked tears falling down my face faster. He let go off my wrists and he wiped away my tears.

"Stop crying Ayaka. I'm sorry." He whispered and gently put his lips against mine. Is this really Nao? Why am I not pulling away? His kiss is really like Nao's. Is he serious? This has to be a dream, this needs to be a dream. I saw my Nao die in front of me. A tear fell down my face as he slowly released the kiss.

"Why... Why did you hide from me these past two years? Your brother almost killed me, I ignored my whole family for over a year, I set up fake relationships just so I could feel better but I didn't. I felt worse everyday. I locked myself in my room for three months over your death wishing it was me who died." I said getting louder over each word.

"But what you're saying is... you faked your death..." I said but my voice was breaking. This is too much for me.

"Let's, get out the water." Nao said swimming back to shore with me holding on tight to him. Let me wake up now, I don't want to continue this heartbreaking dream. Tears kept falling down my face. When will this end? I finally find happiness and it gets sucked away from me. Like always.

  When we made it, he carried me bridal style and people surrounded us. They were holding a gun and pointing it at us. They looked so serious and they looked like polices. My eyes widened and I leaned my head against Nao's chest looking for comfort.

"Are you Ayaka Mano!" One of them yelled.

"Y-Yes I am..." I said frightened. The one who yelled looked at the one next to him and they both nodded. They turn back to us and got the guns closer to us.

"Let the girl go or we'll have to take her by force!" Another one yelled. I guess they were yelling at Nao.

"I'm not letting you guys take my fiancee away from me." Nao glared at them.

"Wait!" Someone yelled and ran in front of us.

"Taro?" I said looking at him confused.

"This Ayaka, my sister. You can leave now." Taro said blocking us with his hands.

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