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   "Ayaka!!!" I ignored him and kept running all the way to Kyoya's house. When I made it I banged on the door as loud as I can. The person who answered must've been his brother.

"I need to see Kyoya. NOW." I demanded.

"K-Kyoya is in his room. May I ask what do you want from him?" He asked.

"Something private that only Kyoya and I know. Can I go in or not?" I glared at him. Not a very polite way to ask, but it's not very polite to injure your brother either. I clenched my fists and looked down.

"Please. I have to see you Kyoya." I shut my eyes tight and cried. Soon I heard footsteps run to the door and someone shoved Kyoya's brother out the way to hug me.

"What did you do to Ayaka!?" The voice sounded like Kyoya's. I lifted my head up to see him glaring at his older brother.

"I have done nothing to the girl. She comes to the door, and she starts crying, begging for you. But I apologize for my rude behavior." His brother bowed. I shook my hands and my head.

"I-It's okay really. Kyoya I need to talk to you, it's about Mamoru and Nao." I turn to Kyoya. He nodded and held my hand to lead me into his room.

"Was that Kyoya's girlfriend?" I heard a young woman's voice say before the door closed.

"So why did you come over?" Kyoya asked as I plopped down on his bed.

"Our place is going chaotic. Mamoru and Nao is taking over our place and kidnapped everyone there." I said looking down.

"Taro, May, and... Ichiya!" Oh my god it snapped into mind ICHIYA! I didn't make sure he was outside!

"I have to go back I left Taro and Ichiya with absolutely nothing." I jumped up. Kyoya yanked my arm down and I fell back on his bed.

"You're going back to your house where you have a 78% chance of being kidnapped and dying? Don't make me laugh, you're going to stay in this house until this all blows over." Kyoya glared at me.

"May, you there?" I asked. Kyoya looked at me confused. My ear feels so lighter.

"Who are you talking to?" Kyoya asked.

"I'm talking to May. She's a- she's uh a friend." I said. I don't have my gloves but I don't care about getting burned or electrocuted at this point. I touch my ear yo see if my ear piece is there, but I don't feel it. I touch my other ear, but still don't feel it. Did I drop it on the way here?

"Kyoya I need to go back." I pleaded.

"I'm not letting you die." Kyoya sighed.

"I'm not letting Taro or Ichiya die." I crossed my arms.

"I wanna let you know you came to my house and here you have to do what I say. So you're going to sit on this bed and wait for this god dang stuff to be over." Kyoya gritted his teeth. I didn't respond but just did what I was told. A large lump started growing in my throat.

   I don't want to leave Taro by himself with two crazy people. He got his suit wet, and can't do anything. May isn't responding, I lost the ear piece, and actually if I had only listened to her and didn't try to use all of my energy. I couldn't help it, I wanted to get rid of Nao quickly. Then Ichiya is stuck outside asleep. Kyoya wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"Don't cry Ayaka. I didn't mean to make you cry." Kyoya whispered.

"I-I'm crying?" I said and touched my wet cheeks. Seems like I am. I want to wipe them away but what's the point if they're going to keep on flowing. There was a knock on the door and a young woman came in.

"O-Oh! Seems like you're having your momen- why are crying sweetie?" She quickly rushed to me and got on her knees and wiped my tears away with her soft fingers.

"A lot of things are getting to me. I guess it hit me hard." I chuckled the sniffed.

"Did Kyoya make you cry!?" She gave Kyoya an death glare and he tensed up.

"No no no. It wasn't Kyoya, it was the stuff that's happening back at home." I said quickly then sniffled again. Kyoya calmed down and had a tight grip on me.

"Well there's no need to cry. So be the sweet girl you are and calm down. You can tell your older sister anything." She gave me a warm smile and placed her hand in my cheek before standing. I smiled back and gave a quick laugh and nodded.

"Take good care of her Kyoya." She pointed at him before leaving. Before she closed the door I saw two older guys standing there.

"She's okay, we can go." I heard her fainted voice as the footsteps echoed down the hall.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kyoya asked a little worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for letting me come in." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Why wouldn't I let you in? I truly care about you." Kyoya said. The lump in my throat went away.

"You can sleep on my bed for tonight, I'll sleep in the guest room." Kyoya stood up to stretch.

"I can sleep in the guest room." I said.

"I'm sure you can buy the bed isn't as comfortable as mine and I want you to rest well." He smiled and opened the door. He was about to walk out until I quickly jump off the bed and grab his shirt. He looked at me surprised and I nervously smile.

"Yes?" He said.

"I don't want to be alone in here." I said that because I feel like Mamoru or Nao would find me and kidnap me again. Not only that, but because of Nao and Mamoru I'm afraid of the dark.

"Why? Are you afraid of the dark?" Kyoya smirked.

"N-Never mind." I muttered and lost my grip to his shirt.

"Ayaka." Kyoya turned around and held my chin and pushed it up so I could look at him.

"Yeah?" I mumbled.

"Stop talking." He muttered and gently put his lips against mine. I kissed back and he slowly released it.

"I'll stay here, but I'll sleep on the sofa. Go rest it's already 9." Kyoya carried me to his bed and put the covers over me.

"Good night." He whispered and kissed my head.

"Good night." I said and he walked to the sofa. I felt my face heat up and I pulled the covers over my head.

'I'm still alive, Ayaka. Don't worry too much about me.' I believe you Taro, I believe you.

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