Trapped Doors

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"Oh my god." I gasped cupping my mouth. The place is destroyed, shattered, it's nothing but rubble. The room wasn't blue or red, it was dark. May was completely smashed, each spot you saw in the room was covered in a pile of either metal, bricks, broken concrete, or wood. Sparks would fly out at some moments from it and I would back up.

"May..." I blinked back the tears.

"Taro!" I recalled after looking at the place.

"Taro, you in here!?" I shouted. I had gotten nothing but silence for a reply.

"Taro!!" I yelled.

"If you don't respond I'll kill myself!!!" I shouted on the verge of crying.

"Ayaka... don't..." I heard a faint voice grunt.

"Taro!?" I shouted again and followed the sound of shuffling.

"Don't... kill yourself..." I confirmed it was Taro and ran after the voice and stopped in front of a pile of crumbled concrete and metal.

"Are you in here?" I asked to make sure he was in here. I heard shuffling in the pile and then it sounds like he groaned in pain.

"Stop moving, I'll get you out of there!" I yelled so he could hear me. I started moving the small concrete pieces and pushed the big pieces out the way.

"Why did... you... come back?" Taro's voice echoed through the pile.

"Why did I come back!? Cause I was worried sick about you! Worried that you might die if I left you here!" I shouted wanting to cry really bad.

"I... don't... matter..." Taro's voice slowly started fainting away and I move faster cutting my fingers little by little. Blood staining the broken concrete as I put my my hands on them.

"You do matter Taro! You matter to me! You're the only one who cared for me truly! I wouldn't stand my life with you like how you can't stand your life without me! So hang in there Taro I'm almost there!" I gritted my teeth and closed one of my eyes to hide the fact my hands are aching in pain.

  After moving one more large piece, I finally saw my brother's face. He was still alive, bloody, but alive. Seeing him alive makes me pick up the pace and push everything off of him.

"Taro your leg!!!" I gasped. His leg... is torn off...

"Don't worry... about me... leave..." Taro still manages to say.

"NO YOU IDIOT!! Do you not see what state you're in!? Your leg is gone, you were COVERED in a pile of METAL AND CONCRETE!!! Did you really think I expect to leave you here with Nao and Mamoru!? I must be an idiot if I left it like it was nothing!!" I yelled at him. I didn't get a respond.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Let's get you to a hospital." I said and wrapped his arm around me and I struggled to lift him up since my hands are injured. He gritted his teeth in pain.

"I'm sorry. I should've stayed so I could've been by your side.... Two is always better than one." I chuckled silently at our old vow. Taro chuckled a little too.

"We'll stick together like... glue..." Taro said trying to finish the rest of it.

"That way I'll never lose you." We finished in unison.

"And if... I lose you... I'll kill myself too..." Taro smiled with a blood stain against his lips.

"Just so I could be with you." I whispered.


   "Hey Ayaka! Let's make a vow and we'll put it in a poem!" Seven year old Taro said. I smiled brightly and nodded with my adorable six years old face.

"So Mr.Shakespeare. How should it go?" I giggled.

"It should go like this... Umm... Two is better than one, so we'll stick together like glue. Uh, that way umm... That way I'll never lose you, and if I lose you... I'll kill myself too just so I could be with you. Ah! So don't give up on me, and I won't give up on you, even if you do, I'll still love you." Taro smiled, slightly blushing.

"I love you too Taro!" I giggled and hugged him. He hugged back and we made that vow.


"I'm sorry for giving up on you back then Taro." I said while looking for a way out.

"I...still... love you... though." Taro chuckled breathing heavily.

"I love you too." I sadly smiled.

"Now, how do we get out?" I asked.

"The stairs... are the only way..." He pointed towards a dark hall.

"Okay. Hang on." I said putting his arms on my shoulders and I put my hands on his thighs and hopped so I could carry him on my back.

  I gaze at the dark hallway and ran up the stairs. I'd slow down sometimes so I could get Taro back on my back. My hands ache. My legs ache. My whole face is giving up on me. Yet, I know Taro I'd feeling way worse than I am. He lost a leg for crying out loud! I hate see Taro in pain. His eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, shows nothing but pain each time I look at them.

  A light shone on my face as I panted. I dropped to my knees and laid Taro on the the grass.

"We need to stop this bleeding before all your blood drains." I said ripping my sleeves and wrapping it around where Taro's leg used to be. I did it in silence and then I took my phone out.

15 missed calls.


   I ignored it and called the ambulance and the cops. Staying as calm as I could explaining the situation to them except for the powers.

"We already have a request for that situation. It was by... ah yes, Ootori Kyoya." The lady said.

"Kyoya...?" I mumbled.

"Yes, and they should be arriving in 2 minutes." She responded.

"Okay thank you!" I slightly smiled. I hung up then I heard sirens coming towards us. I quickly turn my head and see the ambulance and the police heading this way. Behind them was a limo.

"Crap." Nao tched.

"Please let me go, I gotta ich." Mamoru said twitching his nose. I snapped my fingers and Mamoru was set free yet was pinned down by a police. Nao slid down the hole and climbed out. He didn't even bother fighting back he just let the polices cuff him and got in the car.

"Oh come on! Can you at least scratch my nose!?" Mamoru yelled. The police scratched his nose and he put him in the car.

   The limo opened and revealed Kyoya, Tamaki, and Haruhi. The ambulance ran out here and carried Taro to the van. I ran up to Kyoya and cried into his white collar shirt.

"I'm sorry Kyoya. I'm sorry." I wept. He didn't say anything he just hugged me tightly. Haruhi rubbed my back in circles while Tamaki looked at me with sorrow.

"I'm glad you're alright." Kyoya whispered in my ear.

"I might be alright. But Taro isn't." I sniffed.

"We'll be by his side until he's better. Don't worry." Tamaki said.

"Okay." I whispered.

  If I lose you, I'll kill myself too. Just so I could be with you. Taro.

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