His Last Day

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Ayaka's P.O.V.

    It's already 5 where is Taro? What's going on in his appointment? What if he's jut being disobedient? But that's not as reason why he wouldn't answer all the calls I gave him. Where is this idiot's appointment at!? He's been saying he has an appointment for the past 4 days and this is his 5th. I stare at my phone then call him again.

"You're number has been sent to an automatic voice message-" I hung up.

"He still won't answer?" Kyoya asked.

"No and I'm starting to worry. He wouldn't tell me where he's been going and he never comes back in time for dinner..." I started to tense up a bit.

"Do you want me to call my police force and search for him?" Kyoya asked.

"No his phone is probably just dead." I shook my head.

"If you believe so, I'll try calling him from my phone." He said. I gave him Taro's number and he called it. Taro immediately picks up.

"Hello who is this?" He asked laughing a bit.

"Taro you are crazy! I never knew you had this in you." A familiar voice laughed in the back. I know that voice, why can't I remember it though?

"Taro Mano you had a curfew! Now Ayaka is worried about you! So. Come.  Back!" Kyoya yelled into the phone.

"Kyoya you aren't my dad. Ayaka and I were just playing around. So don't start with me." Taro scowled.

"I was serious Taro. I wanted to plan you surprise, but apparently you care to much about that guy more than me." I said on the verge of crying but I just blinked them back. 

"Ayaka let expl-" I hung the phone up.

"Ayaka...?" Kyoya asked.

"He forgot his own birthday. I was going to tell him that I finished building May. I even added a surprise." I tried to stop myself from crying.

"Ayaka he'll come back." Kyoya embraced me.

"I highly doubt that." I hugged back. My phone started ringing and I answered it already knowing it's Taro. I put it on speaker.

"I broke Mamoru out of prison!" Taro yelled.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Kyoya and I yelled.

"Way to tell her Taro! Why don't you also tell that I was suppose to get killed!" The familiar voice yelled at Taro.

''WHHHHAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" We yelled again.

"Calm down. Everyone has a reason for anything." Taro's voice echoed. I turned to the door and see them.

"I just came to tell you why Mamoru should live and that I'm leaving after this." Taro sadly smiled.

"I'm sorry Ayaka. I was just jealous of how your life was great and how you had everyone care for you. I just wanted to feel that way too, so I wanted you to feel the pain I felt."  Mamoru sadly smile tears flowing out his eyes.

   Taro started explaining why they wanted wanted and why they can't stay here. Mamoru started explaining why he always attacked me. When he finished I hugged him tightly and wept. He cried with me.

"I'm sorry I made you felt that way." I whispered in his ear. 

"Well, you use to be useful." Mamoru chuckled. I pouted and punched his arm.

"A-Ayaka it's over.. It's finally over." Taro smiled. I nodded and let him go. Taro and Mamoru started to walk out the door until I grabbed Taro's sleeve.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked.

"Do you want me to go to jail instead?" Taro answered back with another question.

"No, but at least come say goodbye with your birthday cookie." I smiled. His eyes widened and looked at me surprised.

"M-My birthday? I forgot my own birthday?" Taro asked breathless.

"You worry about others lives, why not worry about yours for a while? You're 19 now, congrats." I smiled brightly.

" T-Thanks. Now let's party. I promise to visit sometimes." Taro chuckled.

    We started the party and I didn't get a chance to show Taro the new May but I will show him someday. Maybe someday. When it started getting dark, Taro and Mamoru left after saying there goodbyes.

"What will you tell your parents?" Kyoya asked.

"I'll just tell them Taro didn't make it." I sighed.

"You're going to keep that big secret?" He asked.

"I might no longer have a sibling, but I know I'm not keeping it alone." I smiled.

"Right." Kyoya said and we gazed at the door. 

"Be safe Taro."

"May. I'm sorry you're too late." I view her holographic body. 

"Good evening Miss May." Kyoya greeted her.

"It's nice to see you again Mr.Ootori. Ayaka, do you think you can handle everything now?" May asked.

"Yep!" I chirped.

 "Are you sure you can handle this without Taro is the question." I smirked.

"Very funny Ayaka. Let's go see where Taro is trying to go."  May chuckled.

"You put the camera on him? Yes, let's go!" I laughed. Running to the limo.

"Wait, you forgot your- argh, she never listens." Kyoya rolled his eyes and ran after me. Taro will come back, he promised. He better keep his word or else I will have to save his butt. 

"Not if I save him first~" May laughed.

"Did I really say that out loud!?" I pouted.

"Who cares we'll both save him." I smiled. She smiled back as she followed me. Good luck Taro, Mamoru! And good luck to us too.


  GUYS THIS IS OUR LAST CHAPTER!! I'M POSTED IT LATE ON PURPOSE I JUST DIDN'T WANNA LOSE YOU GUYS >~<  The ones I have to thank the most is.... *drum role*





  They are the main ones who were always commenting and/or voting for every chapter! Thank you guys so much!!!

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